
時間:2023-08-14 作者:couple 演講稿






我出生于1997年,是一個地地道道的90后。我常常聽見身邊的長輩對我說:"你們這些90后的孩子啊,真是讓人琢磨不透。"在報紙和網(wǎng)絡(luò)上,也經(jīng)常用 "迷惘的一代"、"沉迷網(wǎng)游"、"漠視親情"等負面詞語,來評價我們。而來自90后的辯白也不少,比如說"時代不同了"、"你們不了解90后"等等。



























recently our class has conducted a survey about "the growth of post-90's generation". people have different opinions on it. most people believe the post-90’s generation have an edge

over/are superior to others in that they are more independent in thinking, more ambitious, more confident and more enthusiastic. they are open to new ideas and ready to try new things, therefore, they are usually better informed. communicate. however, some argue that the post-90's generation are much too dependent on their parents or on teachers and they lack social experience. as a result, they are less able to overcome frustration. they do not focus on their studies as much and lack the sense of responsibility. moreover, besides, they cherish friendship and like to

they are weak in controlling themselves and often show no respect for others. as youth born in the 90s, we should be aware of our and responsibilities, and learn to be more independent. only in this way can we be successful in the future.


i have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the united states to conduct on-the-spot guidance. the representative of the united states has stood strong when he entered job location. he said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, i wear a helmet for my own safety.” after reading this story, i could not help applauding for his safety awareness.

i want to be safe, so i will do risk analysis properly and seriously with my colleagues before work, this will root out incipient fault.

i want to be safe, so i will always remind my partners achieving three-no harm in the operations, because whoever comes out of the accident, we do have a kind of pain from his injury.

i want to be safe, so i work hard to strengthen my work skills, as it is the only way i will know what kind of work practice hiding security problems, i will learn to prepare and avoid accidents.

of course, we emphasize and promote i want to be safedoes not negate“want me to be safe, but should pay attention to coordination and unity of both. if we only pay attention to i want to be safe, and fail to pay attention to want me to be safe , it is wrong, and the basis of production safety will not be solid, too.


good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.

i'm lai senhan from the university of international business & economics. do you know what date is it today? today is the olympic date. i'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about beijing olympic games together with you all. the title of my speech is: what can we do for beijing olympic games?

first of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. at the end of august, 20xx, when i decided to come to beijing for study, my friends hel* * rewell party for me. they said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in beijing, and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you during the olympic games. i laughed and answered: ok, no problem!

time flied and 2 years passed. now i am a graduate. my teachers and classmates always ask me: what's your plan after your graduation? go back home, stay in beijing, or go to some other places? and i always answer: i will stay in beijing. i make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: i've fallen in love with beijing! i'm eager to welcome the coming olympic games together with my fellow countrymen, and i wish i could do something for the olympics & for the city.

as we know, beijing

早上好,我親愛的老師和朋友們!我的名字是李bingke,從類4 o 5。今天,我很高興到這里來。我的主題是我們的學(xué)校。












hello, schoolmates and teachers.

good afternoon, everybody!

i'm pang qiyuan, from class 2, senior1.

today i'm very happy here to talk about my dream. i hope you can support me and do me a favor, ok?

dream likes a beautiful flower. different people have different make the earth colorful and wonderful. a dream is a target in life, in which it can give people power. it can show people the directions and final destinations.

i have three dreams. my first dream is that i wish i could go to college some day, which is also the one of many other students' dreams. going to college for further education can not only enrich our knowledge, but also teach us how to behave better. i always imagine that the college life must be very interesting. this dream gives me energy to study harder and harder. now i'm trying my best to make it come true. sure, i have enough confidence to realize my dream.

my second dream is becoming an excellent doctor. i always dream that i could turn a doctor like bai qiuen, so that i could cure a lot of patients, help them get rid of sick devil, let them lead a healthy and happy life, and finally i will feel happy, too.

my third dream is that all the people together with the surroundings can live in perfect harmony. there are no quarrellings, no cheatings, and no wars in the world. we should be kind to each other, love each other and care each other. all the people in the world could get along as well as a big family with each other. i dream that we could enjoy absolute peace and freedom.

these are my dreams. how i wish that they could come true soon!

thank you.