
時(shí)間:2022-12-25 作者:betray 備課教案




人教pep版五年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)recycle 1單元教案


本單元是一個(gè)復(fù)習(xí)單元,它圍繞“sarah's weekend”以聽力和對(duì)話形式創(chuàng)設(shè)情景,將“談?wù)撋衔缱鍪裁础薄罢務(wù)撝苣┑幕顒?dòng)安排”和“談?wù)撘惶斓臅r(shí)間安排”幾個(gè)中心話題巧妙地結(jié)合在一起,分別以電話對(duì)話、電子郵件等形式呈現(xiàn)出來,為學(xué)生在實(shí)際生活中運(yùn)用語言做了很好的示范,也為學(xué)生利用所學(xué)語言進(jìn)行交流搭建了一個(gè)平臺(tái)。教師可采用仿照錄音進(jìn)行對(duì)話的形式逐步引出各個(gè)主要句型,為綜合復(fù)習(xí)recycle 1的內(nèi)容作好鋪墊。也可以讓學(xué)生以自己一天的活動(dòng)安排為話題分組練習(xí),學(xué)習(xí)本單元的內(nèi)容。







(3)復(fù)習(xí)1~3單元的單詞并歸納含有cl, pl, br, gr, ch, sh的單詞。










listen and write the names

plan your weekendread and complete the dialogue



read and answer a poem






教師準(zhǔn)備好一些動(dòng)詞短語卡片(有的寫中文,有的寫英文)和圖片,將卡片和圖片放入書包里。游戲開始,教師說:書包里裝的是智慧財(cái)富, 讓學(xué)生們兩人一組上來增長(zhǎng)智慧,一名學(xué)生拿到智慧卡片,根據(jù)卡片的內(nèi)容說出相應(yīng)的問句,另一名學(xué)生回答出來。兩人一定要有默契,如果一人問錯(cuò)了,另一人就無法回答。








活動(dòng)2:what does he do?



根據(jù)課文,要求學(xué)生找出描述天氣、描述某人活動(dòng)的句子等等。 活動(dòng)可以以小組合作的形式完成,讓學(xué)生們體會(huì)到合作學(xué)習(xí)的樂趣。




















1.復(fù)習(xí)1~3單元的四會(huì)單詞和短語:play ping-pong, go swimming, pick apples, go shopping, play basketball, go on a picnic, go to work, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner, cook dinner, go to bed。

2.復(fù)習(xí)1~3單元的重點(diǎn)句型: when do you usually…? i usually … at …















教師和同學(xué)一起聽sarah's weekend,并根據(jù)圖片提示寫出人名。然后,學(xué)生根據(jù)圖片進(jìn)行自由對(duì)話:—what are you going to do on the weekend? —i am going to play ping-pong with my father. —what about you? —i'm going shopping with my mother.






step 1: warm-up

1.教師播放歌曲my weekend,讓學(xué)生重新感知所學(xué)的新語言。



step 2: presentation

sarah's weekend1.找學(xué)生讀出短語,然后聽錄音,填上人名。并讓學(xué)生根據(jù)聽力內(nèi)容自由對(duì)話。



操練句型: what do you do on the weekend?

i go shopping./i play basketball with my friends./i go swimming./…


read, ask and answer




4.操練句型:—when do you get up, mum?

—i usually get up at 6∶00 a.m.


教師準(zhǔn)備好一些動(dòng)詞短語卡片(有的寫中文,有的寫英文)和圖片,將卡片和圖片放入書包里。游戲開始,教師說:書包里裝的是智慧財(cái)富, 讓學(xué)生們兩人一組上來增長(zhǎng)智慧,一名學(xué)生拿到智慧卡片,根據(jù)卡片的內(nèi)容用英語說出相應(yīng)的問句,另一名學(xué)生則回答出來。兩人一定要有默契,如果一人問錯(cuò)了,另一人就沒法回答。



—when do you get up/cook breakfast/go to work/go home/cook dinner/go to bed?

—i usually get up at six o'clock./…

step 3: practice




step 4: consolidation


step 5: sum-up


短語:play ping-pong, go swimming, pick apples, go shopping, play basketball, go on a picnic, go to work, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner



the fourth period

teaching aims:

1.read the text and grasp the main idea of it.

2.do some exercises to master what they’ve learnt.

3.learn to write an essay.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ reading ability by reading a text.

2.improve the students’ writing ability by reading and writing.

teaching difficult points:

1.how to improve the students’ integrating skills.

2.how to write an essay.

teaching methods:

1.practice to make the students master what they’ve learnt.

2.asking-and-answering method to help the students grasp the main idea.

3.discussion to make every student understand the topic clearly.

teaching aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings and revision

t:(greet the whole class as usual.)in the last period,we’ve learnt some useful words and expressions.now,let’s do an exercise to revise them.look at the screen,please.you may have a discussion,if you like.

(show the following on the screen and let the students prepare for a moment.finally,ask some students to say their answers and correct their mistakes,if any.)

choose the proper words to complete the following sentences,using the proper forms:

prison housing peaceful march murder forbid set a good example demand

1.too many people are living in bad ______ conditions.

2.if some people are on a ______,they walk together in a large group through the street to express their ideas.

3.black people in alabama ______that the bus company should not separate blacks from whites.

4.lei feng ______ to us in serving the people heart and soul.

5.in the american history,two former presidents abraham lincoln and john f.kennedy were ______.

6.smoking is ______ in our school now.our school is a non-smoke school.

7.the man who robbed a bank of our city was caught last sunday and put in ______now.

8.when i arrived in qingdao,the sea there was ______ and beautiful.many people jumped into it and had a bath.

suggested answers:




4.set a good example





step Ⅱ fast reading

t:well done!(show the questions on the screen.)now,we’ll begin a new text.please turn to page 30 and read the passage fast and find answers to the questions on the screen.)

answer the following questions:

1.which country was the first in the world to give women the right to vote?

2.who wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and vegetables in a novel?and when?

(three minutes later)

t:who can answer the first question?

s:i’ll try.the answer is that new zealand was the first country to give women the right to vote.

t:do you agree with him/her?


t:good.now,who knows the answer to the second question?

s:let me have a try.samuel butler wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and the right of vegetables in a novel in 1872.

t:very good.please sit down.

step Ⅲ reading

t:(show the questions on the screen.)now please read the text again and discuss the questions on the screen with your partner.later we’ll check the answers together.

discuss the following questions:

1.“each age has its own struggle for right.”what does the word “age” mean?

2.what were the main ideas of the famous books about the rights of men and women,which were published in the late 18th to the 19th century?

3.please describe the rights to vote for women in the 19th and the 20th century.

4.what is the purpose of the organizations that fight for equal rights in modern times?

5.do you think we should fight for the rights of robots and machines?

(the students read the text and discuss the questions.then the teacher may ask some of the students to say their answers.)

suggested answers:

1.the word “age” means “time”,for chinese “時(shí)代”.

2.the main ideas of these books were that all people are brothers and sisters,and that all people should be equal.from then on,a struggle of more than 200 years for equal rights of men and women of all races began.

3.there was a time when women had no rights to vote.in the 19th century,women all over the world began to ask for equal rights.it is new zealand that is the first country in the world to give women the right to vote in 1893.by 1920,the us,canada and most european countries allowed the women to vote.

4.they fight for the rights of black people,women,children,people with aids/hiv and prisoners.their purpose is that they ask to be treated with respect,share the rights to work,good housing conditions and education and to be treated equal to other people in all ways.

5.i don’t think so.we should protect all the living things,including plants and animals,because all of them are part of nature.if one of them is not well protected,the balance of nature will be destroyed.that will perhaps cause another living thing to die out.no matter which of them dies out,our nature will lose some of its color.robots and machines are made by man.we can decide how many of them will be needed,according to their use.if we need more,we can make more.that will not affect the balance of nature.and i think we should protect our oceans and earth,too.

t:that’s a very good topic.you can continue discussing it after class,if you like.it will be very interesting.

step Ⅳ reading aloud and practice

t:now,let’s listen to the tape.i’ll play it twice.the first time i play the tape,listen carefully.the second time i play it,you can read after the tape.after that,you read the text aloud,paying much attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

(play the tape for students to listen and repeat.then give them several minutes to read aloud.at last,ask a couple of students to read the text.)

t:very good.(show the phrases on the screen.)now,please look at the screen.make sentences with the phrases shown on the screen.you can do it in pairs.

make sentences with the following phrases:

in modern times believe in

start with a time

have…in common with respect

in all ways ask for

sample sentences:

in modern times:

in modern times many peasants are very rich.

believe in:

you can believe in him;he’ll never let you down.

start with:

the school started with 300 pupils;now there are double that number.

a time:

i don’t care for the place at first,but after a time i got to like it.

have…in common:

real friends should have everything in common.

with respect:

we should treat everybody with respect.

in all ways:

all the people should be treated equally in all ways.

ask for:

she entered it,asked for a cup of tea,and sat down.there’s been a gentleman here asking for you.

step Ⅴ writing

t:now,let’s do some writing practice.first look at the information on page 31.read it and then work out the details for king’s action in birmingham after the example.pair work.a few minutes later,we’ll check the answers.

(students begin to prepare and after a while,the teacher says the following.)

t:have you finished?


t:who would like to give us the answer?

s:i’ll try.king wanted new civil rights law to give blacks equal rights.what is wrong now:only 25% of the blacks can vote.how should it be improved:all the citizens can vote,no matter what race they are.

s:king wanted the right of free marriages for blacks.what is wrong now:mixed race marriages are forbidden by law.how should it be improved:all the people can choose their marriages by themselves.

s:king wanted the right of receiving equal education.what is wrong now:black children are taught in separate schools,and the money spent on educating a black child is much less than that spent on a white child.how should it be improved:black children and white children can in the same school to have their classes.

t:well done!now,read the second information and discuss what we should do with your partner.

(a moment later,check the answers.)

suggested answers:

rights people animals/plants robots/machines

housing big enough house big enough room big enough room

nutrition enough nutrition enough nutrition keep in good repair

work eight hours can’t be made to work too long can’t work too long

health and care keep healthy keep healthy take good care of

respect treat with respect treat with respect ×

vote have the right to vote × ×

step Ⅵ summary and homework

t:in this class,we’ve learned a text “no voice,not heard…” and done some exercises.there are some useful expressions in the text.can you remember them?li jian,can you tell us?(the student tells the useful expressions to the class and the teacher writes them on the blackboard.)good.after class,you should make sentences with the expressions on the blackboard and finish exercises 3,4 and 5 on page 32.that’s all for today.see you tomorrow!

ss:see you tomorrow!

sample essay:

people,animals and plants are all living in one home-our earth.people are in charge of everything.they should live comfortable.that is to say,they should have big enough house to live in and have enough nutrition to keep them healthy.besides,they should have regular medical care.people should respect each other and help each other.they should not work too long or too tired.they should have the right to vote.so it is with animals and plants,though they don’t need the right to vote.our earth is beautiful and full of vigor,owing to all the animals and plants.we should take care of them,and let them live comfortable and freely.some of the animals can help us work or do other things for us.we should treat them with respect.for example,we should not make them work too long or make them too tired.let’s live together with our animals and plants happily!suppose what a sad world our earth would be if there were no animals and plants at all!we should be friends with them forever.

step Ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 14 freedom fighters

the fourth period

useful expressions:

believe in start with

ask for in modern times

have…in common with respect

in all ways

step Ⅷ record after teaching


unit 16 the united states of america

Ⅰ.brief statements based on the unit

the united states of america is a developed country and also a booming country,which has a history of only 200~300 years.after the usa was founded,the american civil war broke out in 1861,which brought suffering to the people of the usa,especially those in the south.rebuilding the south became an essential task at that time.this unit mainly talks about the rebuilding and development of the american south.and atlanta is a good illustration.it also deals with the bison on the plains of america.because the bison was killed in huge numbers by european settlers,the balance of the whole wildlife was destroyed.after learning the unit,we let the students learn about the early history of america.besides,some useful expressions and phrases should be mastered,and non-finite verbs need to be reviewed,especially their passive forms.

Ⅱ.teaching goals

1.talk about the usa.

2.practise describing places.

3.review non-finite verbs(2).

4.write a comparison essay.

Ⅲ.background information

1.the american civil war

the war of 1861~1865 between the northern states (the union) and the southern states (the confederacy) is also called the war between the states or the war of the rebellion.there were many causes,of which the most important were disagreement over slavery,and the quarrel concerning federal control and states’ rights.the direct cause of the war was the election of lincoln as president;this was followed by the secession of the southern states from the union and the founding of the confederacy,with jefferson davis as its president.the north had many advantages,a far greater population,more railway lines,and more factories.but the confederates fought hard and were at first successful:they won the battles of bull run and fredericksburg;but then lee was defeated at gettysburg and the union army led by grant won control of mississippi.admiral farragant forced new orleans to surrender:texas,arkansas and louisiana were cut off from the rest of the confederacy.after the union won the vicksburg campaign,sherman made his march through georgia to the sea,and lee surrendered to grant at appomatton court house,virginia,on april 9,1865.lincoln was assassinated in the same month.slavery was declared unconstitutional.the period after the war (reconstruction),when the south was occupied by the worth,left bitterness that has not yet entirely vanished.during reconstruction the southern states were admitted back into the union.

2.the war of american independence

(also called the revolutionary war 1775~1783)

the struggle of the thirteen british colonies in north america for independence ended in the forming of the usa.the main causes of the war were taxes imposed by the british government,e.g.the stamp tax of 1765 and the tea tax.the colonies rebelled in 1775;the first shots were fired at lexington,and the first battle was faught at bunker hill.the continental congress appointed general washington as leader of its forces,and issued the declaration of independence on july 4,1776.general burgoyne led a british army down from canada but was forced to surrender at saratoga (oct.1777).he was supposed to meet the army of general howe,who managed to occupy philadelphia.washington spent the hard winter of 1777~1778 at valley forge,and had difficulty in keeping his men together,france (1778),spain (1779)and the netherlands (1780)joined the war against britain.british forces under cornwallis won victories in the south where britain had some popular support,but cornwallis was defeated at yorktown,virginia,and forced to surrender (oct.19/1781),which practically brought the war to an end.at sea,britain had to fight to keep her naval supremacy,but after yorktown the american ports were lost one by one.the war was ended by the treaty of paris,1783,which recognized the independence of the usa.

3.slavery in the united states

the african ancestors (祖先) of today’s black americans were brought to the us as slaves in the seventeenth,eighteenth,and nineteenth centuries.they worked on farms,especially the large farms in the southern states.slowly they became a necessary part of the economic (經(jīng)濟(jì)) system (體制) of the south.

slaves did not have the right of people;according to the law,they were a “thing” which belonged to the person who bought them.they had to obey the orders of their owners without questions.they were not allowed to learn to read;their owners feared the educated slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.slaves had to work long hours in very unhealthy conditions.their owners had complete power over them.they could be bought and sold like animals.at the slave markets,black children were separated from their parents and never allowed to see them again.slave owners had the right to punish the slaves who broke the law or was against the system.slaves were often beaten or even killed by their owners.after the civil war,one free slave reported that his owner killed an older slave who was teaching him to read.in theory an owner who treated a slave badly could be punished.in practice,however,the law meant nothing.

opposition to slavery began very early in the history of the us-in 1671-but little progress was made until the beginning of the nineteenth century.by 1804 slavery was illegal (非法的) in the northern states.but it continued,and even grew,in the southern states,which depended on cotton for their economic wealth.slavery,ended in the south only after the civil war.for blacks,however,the end of slavery was only a beginning,the late beginning of a long and difficult struggle for true justice.

Ⅳ.teaching time:five periods

the first period

teaching aims:

1.learn about the usa.

2.do some listening.

3.practise describing places to train the students’ speaking ability.

teaching important points:

1.train the students’ listening ability.

2.improve the students’ speaking ability by practising describing places using the following useful sentence patterns:

how long/wide/high/tall is the…?

it’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

there is…in the north.

it looks like…

teaching difficult points:

1.how to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.how to help the students carry out the task of speaking.

teaching methods:

1.listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.discussion to help the students learn about the us.

3.individual,pair or group work to make every student have a chance to work in class.

teaching aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings

greet the whole class as usual.

step Ⅱ lead-in

t:now,let’s begin our class.first,i’ll give you some information about the history of a country.please guess which country it is.listen carefully.it is a very young country in the world,which has only a history of 200~300 years.most people in the country are immigrates the head office of the un was set up there.two world wars didn’t take place there.now it is the strongest country of the world.can you guess it?

ss:yes.the usa.

step Ⅲ warming-up

t:you’re right.today we’re going to learn unit 16 the united states of america (bb:unit 16 the united states of america).now,let’s have a quiz to see how much you know about the usa.(teacher shows the following on the screen.)

decide if the following sentences are true or false.write“t”or“f”in the brackets.

1.new york is the largest state in the us. ( )

2.most state names come from spanish or english. ( )

3.atlanta is known as the“big apple”. ( )

4.the constitution was written in 1779. ( )

5.there are 52 stars on the american flag. ( )

6.george washington was the first american president. ( )

7.the first settlers arrived in north america about 30 000 years ago. ( )

8.the mississippi river is the longest river in the world. ( )

t:well,please do it by yourselves.after a while,i’ll check your answers.is that clear?


(after a few minutes,teacher checks the students’ answers.)

t:the first one,true or false?


t:please correct it.

s1:new york is the largest city in the us.

t:good.the second one?


t:what about the third one?

s3:false.new york is known as the “big apple”.

suggested answers:

4.f the constitution was written in 1787.

5.f there are 50 stars on the american flag.



8.f the mississippi is one of the important rivers in the world.

t:a good job!now,open your books and turn to page 41.please look at the map of the usa and find out the following cities and states:new york,washington,florida,taxas, california,alaska.

(a few minutes later,teacher says the following.)

t:please look at the first picture.what place is it?any volunteer?

s4:it is the famous white house,where the president of the us works and lives with his family.

t:do you know how it got its name?


t:who knows?

s5:at first,it was made of gray stone and called the president’s palace.during the war of 1812,it was burned by british soldiers.afterwards,it was rebuilt.the walls were painted white to cover up marks left by the fire.then people began calling the president’s palace the white house.the name caught on and has remained in use ever since.

t:wonderful!next,let’s look at the second picture.it is a famous city,which is it?

s6:new york.

t:right.can you guess when the picture was taken?

s6:i think it was taken before the date september 11,.

t:how do you know?

s6:because in the picture,we can see many skyscrapers.among them,the world trade centre and the empire state building are most famous,but now the world trade centre has already gone.it was exploded by terrorists.

t:oh,what a pity!do you know anything else about new york?


t:new york is america’s cultural capital,where there is the statue of liberty,the skyscrapers,了the beautiful shops on fifth avenue,and the many theatres on broadway.manhattan,the smallest island in new york,is the real centre of the city.when people say “new york city” they usually mean manhattan.in 1605,the first europeans came to manhattan from holland.they bought the island from the american indians for a few glass necklaces,worth about $26.the most crowded part of new york is perhaps harlem,where most black americans live.the crime rate is among the highest in the western world.i hope one day some of you will have a chance to visit it.do you have enough confidence?


t:ok.now,work in pairs or groups.make a list of things you know about the usa and what you’d like to know more about.(teacher may encourage the students to make a chart.several minutes later,teacher collects their charts.)

sample diagram:

step Ⅳ listening

t:ok.we have talked more about the usa.now let’s listen to a radio programme about new york to help wang xiao correct the errors in her notes.turn to the next page.let’s look at ex.1 in the listening part.here are the notes taken by wang xiao after he listens to a radio programme about new york.first read it by yourself.then i’ll play the tape for you to listen.after that,please correct his errors.

(teacher plays the tape for the first time.after playing it,teacher gives the students one or two minutes to do ex.1.at last,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

t:ok.now let’s listen to the tape again and then answer some concerned questions.before listening,you need to go through with the questions.(teacher gives the students one minute to read the questions.then play the tape for the second time.after that,give the students enough time to discuss the answers and check them.)

t:well done.please listen to part 2 of the listening material and then choose the best answers to the question in ex.3.

(teacher deals with ex.3 in the same way.if necessary,play the tape again.)

step Ⅴ speaking

t:everyone loves his own hometown,which is beautiful in their hearts.now,let’s talk about our hometown.tell me where your hometown is,wang kai.

s7:my hometown lies on the plain of north china.

t:are there any mountains,rivers or forests?

s7:yes.there is the famous mount taihang to the west,fenhe river in the centre and a railway from datong to fenglingdu across my hometown.

t:what does the landscape look like?

s7:very beautiful.there are thick forests,clean rivers and pleasant climate.resources of minerals are also rich,which is called “the sea of coal”.many places of interest,like the ancient city pingyao,yungang rock cave and mount wutai are famous in the world.

t:well done!now,look at the last part-speaking at page 42.let’s do some speaking.choose one of the cards and ask each other questions.you can use a map to help you.before speaking,please look at the sentence patterns on the screen.they may be of great help to you.

(teacher shows the following on the screen.)

how long/wide/high/tall is the…?

it’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

there is…in the north.

it looks like…

can you make a sentence using each sentence pattern on the screen?


t:who can try the first sentence pattern?

s8:how tall is the building?

t:yes.answer the question,please.

s8:it’s about 100 feet tall.

t:very good.make a sentence with the next sentence pattern.any volunteer?

s9:there is a famous mountain in the north.

t:ok.sit down,please.the last one?

s10:it looks like a bird’s nest.

t:good job!now,work in pairs to talk about your hometown.ater a while,i’ll ask some students to act out their dialogues before the class.are you clear about that?



(teacher goes among the students and joins them.)

t:(after a few minutes)are you ready?


t:who’d like to act out your dialogue in front of the class?

(two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)

sample dialogue:

a:could you tell me where your hometown is?

b:my hometown is on the plain of north china,which has a population of 5 000.

a:is it beautiful?

b:yes.it lies to the east of mount taihang and west of haihe river.the railway from beijing to guangzhou crosses it.there is fertile land,rich resources,simple people and developed trade.it is a brilliant pearl on the plain.

a:very beautiful!would you like to take me to visit your hometown if possible?

b:of course.i’m glad to act as your guide.what about your hometown?

a:on the loess plateau lies my hometown.

b:the loess plateau?it must be very inaccessible and backward.

a:no.my hometown is not far from the yellow river,which is more than 5 000 metres long.the traffic is convenient,four seasons clear,climate cool and resources of minerals rich,like coal,iron…i believe my hometown will become more beautiful in the near future.

step Ⅵ summary and homework

t:in this class,we’ve mainly learnt something about the usa by speaking and listening.besides,we’ve talked about our hometown using the useful sentence patterns,such as:how long/wide/high/tall is the…?it’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.…(teacher writes them on the blackboard.)after class,surf the internet to get more information about the usa,such as the history of the usa.at last,don’t forget to preview the reading passage.that’s all for today.class is over.

step Ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 16 the united states of america

the first period

useful sentence patterns:

how long/wide/high/tall is the…?

it’s…metres/feet long/wide/high/tall.

there is…in the north.

it looks like…

step Ⅷ record after teaching


teaching aims:

1.learn and master the following words and expressions:get around(=get about),fair,guidance,gifted,assist,cooperate,recognition,sympathy,encouragement,productive,visual,impair,motivate,disappointing,adjust to,get used to

2.train the students’ reading ability.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ reading ability.

2.enable the students to understand the text better.

3.how to get the students to master the useful expressions.

teaching difficult points:

master the following sentence structures:

1.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding. living with disability is frustrating and challenging.

2.i am and get used to the fact that while i may not be…

teaching methods:

1.discussion to help the students know something about the disabled.

2.fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3.questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.

4.pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.a multimedia

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings and revision

(greet the whole class as usual.)

t:yesterday we learned what difficulties and dangers the disabled might face and how to help them in our daily life.imagine you are disabled.who’d like to describe the situation(if you were blind/deaf etc.)and tell us how you would deal with them.

s:i’ll try.…

(all the others listen carefully.)

t:well done.no matter what difficulties he may meet with,we all hope he can enjoy himself.

step Ⅱ lead-in and pre-reading

t:yeah.we know people with disabilities may have lots of difficulties in their lives,but many of them are determined.they can overcome any difficulty.please look at the three questions on the screen and discuss them in groups.

(show the following on the screen.)

1.do you know anyone who is disabled?

how does he or she deal with the disability?

2.do you know of any famous people who are disabled?what do they do?

3.should disabled students be allowed to go to college?should they get any extra help?why or why not?

(teacher gives students five minutes to discuss and collects their answers.)

suggested answers:

1.yes.i know a person with disability.he has learnt to do many things without help.he can take care of himself at home,but getting around in the city in a wheelchair is often frustrated.he loves reading stories of young disabled people who have overcome great difficulties.

2.yes,i do.beethoven was a great musician,helen keller was a great american writer,and zhang haidi is also a writer.

3.yes,they should.because there are many gifted disabled students,they can make a contribution to the society.

they should get some extra help in their everyday activities.

no,they shouldn’t.because they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.

step Ⅲ reading

t:ok.today we’ll read a text “disabled?not me!”and know something more about it.i think you are interested in it.please turn to page 17.read the passage quickly to get the general idea and answer the questions on the screen.

(teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.what’s the trouble of zhong xiaowen?

2.how does she get around?

3.what’s the teachers’ aim in the special college?

4.what do the articles in literature of chinese blind children talk about?

5.how does zijie like the magazine?

(teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their answers.)

suggested answers:

1.xiaowen was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.

2.she uses a wheelchair to get around.

3.their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.

4.the articles are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.

5.he loves the magazine very much.he thinks it is very important for them to know that someone far away is also struggling as they are.

t:now read the passage again and try to get as much information as you can.

step Ⅳ study for language points

t:now you’ve known the general idea of the passage.please look at the screen.i’ll explain something to you.

(show the following on the screen.)

a.treat vt. treat sb. well(badly)

e.g.don’t treat me as a child.

which doctors are treating her for her illness?

b.ability n. the ability to do,a man of ability

e.g.man has the ability to speak.

c.make a contribution to

e.g.we must do something useful and make a contribution to our country.

d.launch vt.

①launch a man-made satellite

②launch a new enterprise

③launch threats against sb.

e.play a …role(in,within)

e.g.he played a leading role in a film.


e.g.both you and i are students.

he both fears and hates at once.

g.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding.

living with disability is frustrating and challenging.

in these two sentences,gerundial phrases are used as subject.

e.g.working with him is a great pleasure.

h.…i am and get used to the fact that while…h(huán)ere that-clause is used as appositive clause,expressing the fact.

e.g.the fact that he came here was known to us all.

(write important phrases and difficult sentences on the blackboard.)

t:(after explaining the language points.)

do you have anything you don’t understand?if you have,please tell me,i’ll be glad to have a discussion with you.

(the teacher answers the questions raised by the students.)

step Ⅴ listening and consolidation

t:let’s listen to the tape.i’ll play the tape twice.when i first play it,just listen.when i play it for the second time,listen and repeat it.are you clear about it?

(the teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat.while the students read,the teacher goes among the students to correct the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)

t:now turn to page 52.there are five questions for you to answer in post-reading.try to find the answers in the text.discuss in groups of four,and then i’ll ask some of you to read your answers.

(a few minutes later.)

t:are you ready?


t:now let’s begin.

s1:they have to use wheelchairs to get around and it often takes them a little longer to do everyday things,such as getting out of bed,getting dressed and going to class.

s2:they not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.

s3:they help disabled students to understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and inspire many of them to believe that they can realize their dreams.

s4:today there are more opportunities like the special olympics for disabled people to develop their potential,live a richer life and make a contribution to society.

because people understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and that they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.

s5:people must make sure that all of us should have equal access to all areas and facilities.people should treat me fairly.

step Ⅵ summary and homework

t:today we have learned the passage-disabled?not me!from the success of the disabled student-zhong xiaowen,we learn something important.there is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.when you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.on the other hand,we should help the students to know how to help the disabled in our daily life.

and we also learn some phrases.after class,you should work hard and master them.

step Ⅶ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 17 disabilities

the second period

1.important phrases:

treat sb.,the ability to do,make a contribution to launch,play a …role,both…and…,get used to

2.difficult sentences:

…i am and get used to the fact that while…

i may not be able to walk,there are many other great things i can do.

step Ⅷ record after teaching


unit 10 expressions

1. weep over/for one’s failure

weep one’s fate悲嘆命運(yùn)

weep bitter tears

weep oneself to sleep

feel weepy感到想哭

a weeping willow垂柳

2. rent a furnished house at $8 a week

3. attend to his sick mother

have an urgent personal matter to attend to

attend to her cheeks with the powder rag

4. be dressed in rags

a beggar in rags

5. take pride in/ be proud of

6. do herself up for the party

do up the buttons/ the house/ the parcel

7. be worn out穿壞了;筋疲力盡

8. let alone=not to mention; even less更不必說

let sb./sth. alone別管;別攪撓

let sb./sth. be別管,別干涉;別罵

let go放手

let down(衣服)加長(zhǎng);使失望

let off原諒;不處罰

let out(衣服)加寬;泄露;表達(dá); 放出

let up停止;逐漸停止

9. fix one’s mind/attention on全神貫注于

fix one’s eyes on凝視

pay attention to注意

10. approve the plan批準(zhǔn)

approve of the plan贊成;認(rèn)可;

don’t approve of wasting time

11. at length最后;終于;詳細(xì)地;冗長(zhǎng)地

12. one’s reaction to the news

13. take part in activities

14. make english learning great fun

15. people present at the meeting

be present at the meeting

present the class with the outcome

present the outcome to the class

16. read for pleasure/ read for school

17. save one or two pennies at a time

save a penny or two at a time

18. a card which bears his name

=a card bearing his name

19. stand by the window

20. buy jim a present with the left money

need money with which to buy a present

21. go far有除夕;成功;經(jīng)用;夠用

22. be worthy of mention值得一題

be worthy of being mentioned

be worthy to be mentioned

be well worth mentioning

23. pull down her hair披散

let it fall to its full length讓它完全垂下

24. make itself almost a garment使看來象

make (him)a person like his father使成為

25. hesitate for a minute

26. run up one flight of stairs跑上一段樓梯

27. life the mass with a practiced hand

28. search the stores for jim’s present

turn all the shops inside out

29. be just right for sb.

30. be properly anxious about

31. look at sth. in the mirror for a long time

32. take a second look at sb.

33. have her hair cut out of love for him

34. at the butcher’s /the tailor’s /the baker’s/ the barber’s/ the grocer’s/ the chemist’s

35. get accustomed to the northern weather

36. on the final day

37. be noted for 記住

38. make some coffee/ tea

39. sit on the corner of the table

40. be burdened with 擔(dān)負(fù)有…

41. with a smile on his face

with a strange expression in his eyes

42. live through hard times度過難關(guān)

43. look about the room環(huán)顧

44. go cheap/ go for so little money

go on food and clothes花在…

45. make some mistake about sb.誤會(huì)

46. in the way of …這類東西 在…方面

47. give a scream of joy

48. break out in tears and cries

burst into tears

burst out crying

49. hug them to her breast緊擁在胸口

50. throw himself down on the couch

51. put his hands under the back of his head

52. forget all about it

53. recommend the story to others推薦

54. on a friendly/ weekly basis在友好/周的基礎(chǔ)上

55. (an idea) flash into one’s mind

56. show his concern(關(guān)心) for me

57. it was not long before he came to realize

58. time and (time) again多次;屢次

59. live alone on the farm all her life

60. at the age of twenty

61. be accompanied by在…陪伴下

62. carry a baby in her arms

63. don’t keep silent when spoken to

64. in a loud and commanding tone of voice

65. one and all=every one

66. fall(fell, fallen) asleep

67. a woman of little experience

68. grow quite used to it

69. (sb/ time) draw near走近

70. as for the baby至于

71. scream with delight高興地尖叫

72. at (the) sight of一看見

catch sight of看見

73. all over the country全國(guó)

be wet all over全身濕透了

be all over結(jié)束了

74. in the distance在遠(yuǎn)處,從遠(yuǎn)處

75. make a mess擾亂;弄成一團(tuán)糟

make a mess of my holiday plan弄亂我的假期計(jì)劃

in a mess 亂成一團(tuán)

76. seat oneself beside the table

be seated, please

find them all seated at the back of the room

a hall seating/holding/admitting 200 people