
時間:2024-04-23 作者:Kris 備課教案




family activities

教學目標 :


① 能聽、說、認讀主要單詞father(dad) mother(mom)man、woman 。

② 能聽懂、會說who’s that woman/man? she/he’s my mother/father. 并能在情境中運用;能夠介紹自己和詢問他人的家庭成員。


① 激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣

② 教育學生熱愛自己的家,熱愛自己的家人。


能熟練使用句型who’s that woman/man? she/he’s my mother/father. 教學生學會如何詢問他人家庭成員。






從學生的學習實踐出發(fā),注重學生的能力培養(yǎng),讓學生在具體的語言情境中學習who’s that woman/man? she/he’s my mother/father.的句型,充分考慮到學生的年齡特征和認知規(guī)律。








① sing an english song : boys and girls 。

② 日常用語練習

a:good morning 。 i’m… i’m from…

where are you from ?

b:i’m from…

a:nice to meet you 。 hi ! this is…(名字)。 my new friend 。 ……


1、出示教師演示文稿,教師扮演這個新朋友,問一位學生:what’s your name ? 引導這個女生回答:my name’s linda 。 教師及時對其他學生說:she’s linda 。 并示意學生跟著重復這句話。

2、教師指著離自己稍遠的女生問:“who’s that girl ?”引導學生回答:she’s… 3、同樣的方法,教師指著離自己稍遠的男生問:who’s that boy ?引導學生回答:he’s…

4、讓學生指著班里的同學做回答:who’s that girl ? she’s…who’s that boy ? he’s…

5、教師拿出學生們所熟悉的教師的照片詢問學生:who’s that man ? who’s that woman ?由此引出man和woman并引導學生回答:he’s mr black 。 she’s miss white 。

6、教師可向?qū)W生出示幾張同學們喜歡的幾張明星的圖片,讓學生做who’s that man ? who’s that woman ?的回答練習。

7、教師出示自己的家庭照片說:this is my family 。 do you know who they are ?鼓勵學生對照片中的人物提問,教師用she’s my mother 。 he’s my father 。來回答,并重復單詞mother , father。教師再次用mom、dad代替mother , father進行回答,然后帶讀它們。并向?qū)W生指出mom和dad更多地用于日常用語中。

8、讓學生觀看教學課件let’s talk的內(nèi)容。





請一名學生到講臺前,并蒙住他(她)的眼睛,再叫一名學生說幾句英語,讓全班學生問:who’s that boy/girl?猜的人說:he’s…/she’s…猜對了,就蒙住說話學生的眼睛,繼續(xù)游戲。

2、who’s family is this ?

教師先收集幾張學生的全家福,出示其中一張問:who’s family is this ?引導該家庭的學生迅速作反應:this is my family 。然后讓其他的同學對照片中的人物發(fā)問,該生回答。



發(fā)給學生每人一張紙,讓學生以最快的速度畫出自己的父母或好朋友。以小組為單位,根據(jù)畫的畫進行句型練習:who’s that boy/girl/woman/man ? he’s… she’s…

step5:surmmeny and assessment








2.能夠在句子中正確使用單詞和短語:how old,look.


1.能夠用how old are you?詢問他人的年齡,用i’m…說明自己的年齡;












一.warm up


2.sing a song.



1.帶領(lǐng)學生復習第一單元課文,然后針對課文內(nèi)容向?qū)W生提問:“how old is sam?”引導學生給出答案:“sam is nine.”

2.教學how old are you? i’m ……

三、 practice

1.pair work :同桌之間用句型how old are you? i’m…進行關(guān)于年齡的問答,請學生展示。

2.play a game:simon says游戲:首先請全班學生逐個報數(shù),當每個學生都知道自己的數(shù)字后,老師開始發(fā)出口令,例如:“simon says ‘2,4,5 and 7,stand up,please.’”

四、learn the text




3.now, let’s listen to the tape and follow to read it.





3.bingo游戲:請學生在紙上畫出一個三行三列的表格,并在其中隨意填入數(shù)字1-9,其后,老師使用“how old are you?”向單個學生提問,請學生使用1-9的數(shù)字了隨意作答。每當一個學生使用“i’m…?!弊龀龌卮饡r,其他學生就要在自己的表格中把相應的數(shù)字圈出來。最先連續(xù)圈出一橫行、一豎行或是一斜行三個數(shù)字的學生大喊“bingo”,該學生即是勝者。


用how old are you?詢問自己的家人和朋友的年齡,完成一份有關(guān)年齡的問卷調(diào)查表,向全班匯報自己的調(diào)查結(jié)果。


unit 19 the merchant of venice

Ⅰ.brief statements based on the unit

the merchant of venice is the most outstanding “romantic” comedy written by william shakespeare, the greatest british playwright and poet of renaissance. this play is mainly about the process of a story that shylock, a cruel and greedy moneylender, is punished by antonio, a merchant of venice, with the help of his friends-portia and bassanio. the central theme of the play is the triumph of love(between portia and bassanio)and friendship(between antonio and bassanio)over insatiable greed and brutality(as presented by shylock).a happy ending is brought about when shylock is punished.here we can see the true progressive significance of the merchant of venice and of its author:consistent hatred for the oppressors and sympathy for the oppressed.meanwhile,it provides us an opportunity to learn some language points as well as revising direct and indirect speech.

Ⅱ.teaching goals

1.talk about shakespeare and his plays.

2.learn to recount detail in conversation.

3.review direct and indirect speech.

4.write a short play.

Ⅲ.background information

1.william shakespeare

for any englishman,there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest post and dramatist(劇作家).only one name can possibly suggest itself to him,that of william shakespeare.every englishman has some knowledge,however slight,of the work of our greatest writer.all of us use words,phrases and quotations(引用語)from shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of english-speaking people.most of the time we probably don’t know the source of the words we use,rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations!

shakespeare,more perhaps than any other writer,made full use of the great resources of the english language.most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of english;shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand! there is probably no better way for foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the english language than by studying the various ways in which shakespeare uses it.such a study is well worth the effort,even though some aspects(方面)of english usage,and the meaning of many words,have changed since shakespeare’s day.

it is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest english author.we know that shakespeare was born in 1564 in stratford-on-avon,and that he died there in 1616.he almost certainly attended the grammar school in the town,but of this we cannot be sure.we know he was married there in 1582 to anne hathaway and that he had three children,a boy and two girls.we know he spent much of his life in london writing his masterpieces.but this is almost all that we do know.

however,what is important about shakespeare’s life is not its products,the plays and the poems.for many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorizing(理論化)about the plays.sometimes,indeed,it seems that the the poetry of shakespeare will disappear beneath the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.

fortunately this is not likely to happen. shakespeare’s poetry and shakespeare’s people (macbeth, othello, hamlet, falstaff and all the others)have long delighted not just the english but lovers of literature(文學)everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten.


the play hamlet is considered to be the summit of shakespeare’s tragedies(悲?。?it was written in 1601~1602 and first published in 1603.

the action of the play is laid in medieval(中世紀的)denmark.the king suddenly dies.gertrude,queen of denmark,within two months marries the new king,claudius,brother of her husband.

the son of the late king,hamlet,returns from the university,where he has received his education.heavy is the heart of the young man.the country is in a state of unrest.there is said to be war.he thinks his father was murdered but he does not dare to tell others.one night hamlet dreams of his father.he talks to his father,who tells his son he has been murdered by his brother claudius.hamlet hates the murderer very much and he decides to kill claudius.

the ghost made a sign to hamlet

that he should go with him

the struggle between hamlet and claudius is increasing.claudius pays close attention to hamlet.hamlet pretends to have gone mad.

to expose claudius,hamlet thinks of a plan:a group of actors are engaged to perform a play which recalls his father’s murder.when claudius appears deeply affected by the performance and leaves the hall before the play is ended,hamlet knows he is right.to get rid of hamlet,claudius sends off hamlet to england with his two men,who used to be hamlet’s friends and now are ordered to spy on him and kill him.

while at sea,hamlet discovers a letter,in which claudius orders the two men to kill him.hamlet manages to escape from the ship and returns to his homeland,denmark.

in the end,claudius is killed by hamlet.his mother is poisoned and dies.if you want to know whether hamlet is alive or not,please read the play or see the film.

but soon laertes made

a deadly stroke at hamlet

Ⅳ.teaching time:five periods

the first period

teaching aims:

1.learn and master the following:

(1)words and phrases:

merchant,duke,masterpiece,mercy,enemy,pay back,as well as,after all

(2)everyday english:

correct me if i’m wrong,but…

one of the most important facts is…

as far as i know,…

you shouldn’t forget that…

you could,for example,say…

after all,…

what shouldn’t be forgotten is…

the way i would go about it…

but in this particular case…

2.train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ listening ability.

2.improve the students’ speaking ability and learn some useful phrases as well as everyday english.

teaching difficult points:

1.how to help the students get the general idea of the listening material and find the answers to the listening exercises.

2.how to get the students to finish the task of speaking.

teaching methods:

1.talking,speaking and listening to improve the students’ ability to use english.

2.individual,pair or group work to make the students finish each task.

teaching aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings and lead-in

t:good morning/afternoon,everyone.

ss:good morning/afternoon,mr/ms.

t:sit down,please.class begin.first,please tell me if you are interested in plays,especially some of the world-famous plays.


t:there was a great british playwright and poet in the world’s history of literature.he wrote about 37 plays and a large number of poems in his life.here’s a picture of him.do you know who he is?

(teacher shows the picture.)

ss:william shakespeare.

(bb:william shakespeare)

t:quite right.he lived from 1564 to 1616(bb:1564~1616).he is considered to be the greatest playwright and poet of the renaissance(14th~16th centuries)in europe.as a playwright,he wrote tragedies,comedies,historical plays.as a poet,he wrote narrative poems and sonnets.can you follow me?


t:today,we are going to learn unit 19.the merchant of venice (bb:unit 19 the merchant of venice).in the first period of this unit,we’ll learn something more about his plays as well as 玊he merchant of venice.獸irst,let’s learn some new words and phrases.look at the screen.

(teacher shows the screen and deals with them as usual.)

merchant/′m/ n. 商人

△venice/′vens/ n. 威尼斯(意大利港口城市)




△shylock/′a /夏洛克(男子名)

pay back 償還;報答

△ducat/′d/ n. 古時候在歐洲通用的金幣

duke/dju:k/n. 公爵

masterpiece/′mstpis/ n. 杰作;最佳作品

mercy/′msi/n. 憐憫;仁慈

△revenge/ri′vend/ n. 復仇;報復

enemy/′enmi/ n. 敵人

as far as 到目前為止;就某種程度或范圍而??

after all 畢竟

bb:pay back,as far as,after all)

step Ⅱ warming up

t:well.now please open your books at page 65.look at warming up.look at the pictures and read each quotation one by one.try to understand each one of them.then tell from which plays,of which the titles are below the pictures,they come.work in pairs to prepare for a few minutes.

(a few minutes later.)

t:are you ready?


t:who’d like to have a try?any volunteer?

s1:the first one and the third one are from hamlet; the second one from/king henry Ⅳ;the fourth one romeo and juliet;the last one troilus and cressida.

t:you did a good job.sit down,please.then what do you think these famous words mean?can you explain them in english?

ss:yes.but not clearly and exactly.

t:so,let me explain them to you.listen carefully and tell which one i am referring to.do you see my point?


t:no.1:why must you be the son of my family’s greatest enemy?refuse your family for my love.

ss:“romeo,romeo,why are you romeo?deny your father,and refuse your name…”

t:no.2:that is a question whether to live on in this world or to die,that is,to take action or to do nothing.

ss:“to be or not to be;that is a question.”

t:no.3:it is best not to lend(money) to others and not to borrow from others.when we lend something.we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person.

ss:“neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

t:no.4:a person who has great responsibilities,such as a king,is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.

ss:“uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

t:no.5:empty words,not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.

ss:“words,words,only words,no matter from heart.”

t:great.however,i still want to suggest you find these plays,from which the quotations come from,to read or watch them if you haven’t before.do you think so?


t:what other plays of shakespeare do you know?

ss: twelfth night; king lear; othello…

(teacher writes them as well as those talked about just now.)

t:can you explain what they are about?choose one of them and have a try.any volunteer?

s2:i’d like to talk about othello.othello,a dark-faced moor,serves as a capable general in venice and wins the love of a beautiful,strong-minded girl desdemona,daughter of a senator.her father objects to her secret marriage with the moor,but othello is just then much needed as commander to lead troops to a war with the turks,and so the senator’s protest is overruled by the duke and othello goes to war on the island of cyprus,accompanied by his new bride.after their arrival there,the turks have already met with destruction in a sea storm and the war is over,but one of the officers under othello hates the general for placing another man above him and therefore tries to destroy the moor’s happiness by convincing him of desdemona’s illicit relations with the man above him.othello falls into the trap,kills desdemona,and finds out the truth at last and kills himself.the officer under othello is shipped back to venice after his villainy is exposed to await fit punishment.

t:anybody else?

s3:i’d like to talk about…

step Ⅲ listening

t:well done.we’ve talked much about shakespeare and his plays.next,let’s listen to the introduction to the merchant of venice,the most outstanding “romantic” comedy.it will tell us how the story takes place and helps us learn about the main characters in it.can you follow me?


t:ok.now please look at the listening part at page 66.first,read through the questions in exercise 1.then listen to the tape to find the answers.

(teacher allows the students a few minutes to prepare,and then plays the tape.after that,teacher checks the answers.)

suggested answers:

ex.1 1.venice

2.three months

3.three thousands ducats

4.a pound of his flesh

t:well done.now please read through the requirements of exercise 2.then i’ll play the tape again for you to finish the following chart.

(after the students prepare for a while,teacher begins to play the tape.at the end,check the answers with the whole class.)

suggested answers:

step Ⅳ speaking

t:up to now,we’ve learnt much about shakespeare and his plays.can you tell me what makes his play a masterpiece,han mei?

s4:the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.

t:can you give some examples shown in the merchant of venice?any volunteer?

s5:mercy versus revenge and love versus money.

t:quite right.now,please read the two situations in speaking first.then find examples for each one in modern life and work in pairs to discuss whether it is right or wrong.are you clear about that?


t:and behind the situation,there are some useful expressions.study them first,then use them in your dialogue if possible.do you remember?


(the students begin to work.teacher goes among them to see how they are going on with the work.a few minutes later,teacher asks some pairs to act out before class.)

sample dialogues:

situation 1

a:in the merchant of venice,shylock gets the chance to kill antonio,and he would.what’s even more,he refuses the duke’s persuasion to have mercy on antonio.but when the the roles are turned around,the duke shows mercy to shylock despite the fact that nobody really likes shylock.what would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?

b:in my opinion,people should be kind and mercyful.the punishment on my enemy should depends on the situation.if he tries to correct his fault and is able to get along well with me in future,i will forgive him.after all,a friend is better than an enemy.

a:i agree with you.what shouldn’t be forgotten is that all the things has a limited line.

b:how do you like the play the merchant of venice?have you read any other plays of shakespeare?

a:it’s worth reading.the ideas behind it are still important to today’s people.besides,i’ve read romeo and juliet, king lear and so on.

b:great!would you like to tell me the stories some day?

a:no problem.

situation 2

a:you know,in the merchant of venice,bassanio cann’t marry portia because he doesn’t have enough money.what a pity!and this happens everywhere around the world.what do you think about a situation like that?

b:from my point of view,love is more important than money.if money is lost,we can earn it by our hands.however,if love is lost,it can never be back again.

a:money is necessary,but not the most important.money can bring you many things,but it can not buy you happiness.

b:yes.great minds think alike.

step Ⅴ summary and homework

t:in this class,we’ve mainly talked about shakespeare and his plays.while we were doing each task,we’ve learnt some useful expressions,such as pay back,as far as,after all.after class,i hope you can practise using them again.besides,remember to preview the reading part in this unit.so much for today.goodbye.


step Ⅵ the design of the writing on the


unit 19 the merchant of venice

the first period

Ⅰ.william shakespeare (1564~1616)

king henry Ⅳ/hamlet/romeo and juliet/troilus and cressida/twelfth night/king lear/othello


pay back,as well as,after all

step Ⅶ record after teaching



1、寫課題(topic)和課型(lesson type)

課題相當于文章的標題,講課時要首先告訴學生,并寫在黑板上。因此要寫得準確。課型是指該節(jié)課的講授類型。初中英語的主要課型有::新授課(new lesson)、鞏固課(reinforcement lesson)、復習課(revision lesson)、語音課(phonetic lesson)、聽力課(listening lesson)、聽說課(aural-oral lesson)、閱讀課(reading lesson)、語法課(grammar lesson)等。不同的課型應用不同的授課方式或方法,只有確定了課型,才能選擇有效的素質(zhì)教育教學方法。

2、寫教學目標(teaching objective)


3、寫教學的重點(main/focal points)、難點(difficult points)和關(guān)鍵點(key points)


4、寫教具(teaching tools)


5、寫教學過程(teaching procedure)


a、 寫教學環(huán)節(jié)。教學環(huán)節(jié)即教學任務(wù)是什么要寫清楚,做到心中有數(shù)。目前有些教師采用"三階段六環(huán)節(jié)"教學模式,即:準備階段(自由交流、復習檢查)、講練階段(導入課程、分層操練)和發(fā)展階段(鞏固發(fā)展、布置作業(yè))。

b、 寫知識點和所用時間。寫好知識點,教師使用教案時能一目了然,有的放矢。寫好所用時間,能使教師從容掌握教學速度,合理安排每個教學環(huán)節(jié)所需的時間,充分利用課堂時間。

c、 寫教師活動。不僅要寫教師"教什么",還要寫出教師"怎樣教",即寫清楚教師要教的內(nèi)容,寫出講授這些內(nèi)容的方法。寫出課堂用語和各環(huán)節(jié)的過渡語。課堂用語要求簡練、口語化,用學生已經(jīng)學過的熟悉的、聽得懂的英語來解釋或表達新的教學內(nèi)容。各環(huán)節(jié)之間的過渡語要自然流暢。寫出使用教具的時機和方法,寫板書內(nèi)容等。

d、 寫學生活動。寫出學生學習的內(nèi)容和學習方法,特別是怎樣學應寫清楚。不能簡單地把學生活動寫成聽、讀、思考、操練、做題等。






3、復習一些禮貌用語和習慣表達,如:how about…? what about…? can you come with me? what do you have for dinner this evening? let me and have a look.等。

4、新單詞:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo

句型:what do we have for dinner this evening?

fish is my favourite.

what else do you want to have?

don’t we have any eggs?

let me make a shopping list.

you can help me carry the things.




step 1 revision


what do you have for breakfast today?

shall we go and buy something to eat?

what’s in the pictures? let me see. what do we have for lunch today?

how about…? what about…?

what else do you want to have?

can you go and buy the things? let’s go.等。老師也可以同樣的方式提問全班同學。


step 2 presentation

[課件展示]教師在復習食品名稱基礎(chǔ)上,引出購物的話題。教授有關(guān)食品新單詞chicken, tofu, fridge, tomato, onion, carrot, pork 教師可以點擊 播放單詞錄音讓學生跟讀,掌握好單詞的標準發(fā)音。然后教師教單詞list, shopping list, buy, buy things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs 引導根據(jù)所學習的新單詞,學生回答句子:what do you have for lunch today? what else do you want to have? what do we have in the fridge? can you go and buy the things?

step 3 read and say

[課件展示]教師點擊圖片可以播放影片讓學生觀看,播放課文對話錄音 讓學生跟讀課文對話,盡可能的模仿錄音中的語音語調(diào),教師再點擊鼠標出現(xiàn)以下有關(guān)問題:

what’s in the fridge? is there any fish in the fridge?

are there any chicken legs in the fridge?

don’t we have any eggs in the fridge?

why do they go shopping?


step 4 shopping list


根據(jù)課文的購物單自行設(shè)計一個自己的購物單, 教師讓個別學生讀出自己的購物單,互相比較看看誰設(shè)計的購物單最合適。

step 5 practice

[課件展示]在學生之前設(shè)計好了購物單的情況下,老師讓學生觀看課件中的超市圖片,假設(shè)學生在周末和父母去市場買東西。 然后教師再點擊鼠標,課件中就會顯現(xiàn)出商店所賣的商品和價目表,讓學生根據(jù)圖片和價目表自編一個對話:一人為售貨員,一人為顧客,教師可以引導學生使用這幾句話:can i help you? i’d like …。. here you are. here is the money. 對話可長可短,因人而異。

step 6 consolidation





2、能聽說讀寫單詞 pencil, pencil—box。















1、教師出示一支鋼筆,問學生:what’s this in english ?學生回答:it’s a pen。教師再出示一支鉛筆,問學生:what’s this in english? 若學生不能說出,教師給予回答:it’s a pencil 。讓學生跟教師重復pencil,a pencil,it’s a pencil 然后把pencil寫在黑板上。


3、教師出示一個新的鉛筆盒,問學生:what’s this in english?學生回答后,教師說:yes, it’s a pencil—box。 it’s a new pencil—box。把new一詞說得口氣重些。

4、教師帶讀it’s a new pencil—box。數(shù)遍。



1、教師拿出一支新的鋼筆,對學生說 i have a new pen。 并把這句話寫在黑板上,讓學生朗讀。然后教師把“pen”一詞擦掉,讓學生用這一句型完成句子,i have a new ……,啟發(fā)學生使用學過的詞如:book, bag, ruler等詞,當學生說:i have a new pencil—box時,教師走過去

說:oh, good 。may i have a look?

2、讓學生跟教師重復: may i have a look? 和 oh, good。 may i have a look?

3、教師和一個學生進行對話。教師拿出新鉛筆盒,對學生說i have a new pencil—box。 啟發(fā)學生和教師對話:oh, good 。may i have a look? 這時教師說:certainly。 here you are。



6、讓學生跟教師重復 may i use it? 和sure。 讓學生同桌兩人利用文具等實物練習以上的對話。




1、教學準備:把本課中read and listen部分的單詞按課本上的形式做成兩列火車圖片。

2、教師將一列火車貼在黑板上,同時對學生說:try to read the words yourselves。




1、教師發(fā)出指令:show me your pencil, please。


3、教師讓集體或個人口拼單詞:spell the word “pencil” , please??谄凑_的加分。可拼以下所學四會單詞:pen, pencil—box, book, ruler ,bag, cap 等。




1)draw a pencil, please。

2)please draw a pen。

3)draw a ruler, please。

4)please draw an apple 。

5)draw a pencil—box, please。






1 、能聽懂會說本課單詞和對話,能初步使用“mr/miss+姓”的表達方式,要求發(fā)音準確,語調(diào)自然流暢。

2、能用“how are you?”引導的對話大膽、自然、靈活地響別人問候。


4、了解“how are you?”的文化內(nèi)涵,將其與中國打招呼用語進行簡單比較,滲入跨文化交際意識。




1、本課單詞的發(fā)音,特別要注意son dauhter和brown這三個單詞的發(fā)音。

2.、對話以及靈活使用“how are you?”和相關(guān)回答與人交往。







二、教學對話how are you?

三、學習let’s sing;how are you? 四、學magic box


2.復習miss 學習mr





六、let’s sing;how are you? 七、let’s chant : mum 八、文化介紹

九、做《課堂活動評價手冊》 十、homework.
