
時間:2022-12-15 作者:betray 備課教案








a、b兩部分。a部分是基本的語言內(nèi)容,b部分是知識的擴展和綜合的語言運用。每個單元還有self check部分,供學生自我檢測本單元所學的語言知識之用。它采用“語言的輸入——學生的消化吸收——學生的語言輸出”為主線編排的。通過確定language goal,采用聽、說、讀、寫,自我檢測等手段,有效提高語言習得者的學習效率,有利于習得者的語言產(chǎn)出,體現(xiàn)了以學生為主體的思想。


starter unit1.good morning .

starter unit 2.what’s this in english?

starter unit 3.what color is it?

unit1.my name’s gina .

unit2.is this your pencil?

unit3.this is my sister.

unit4.wherre is my backpack?

unit5.do you have a soccer ball?

unit6.do you like bananas?

unit7.how much are these pants?

unit8.when is your birthday?

unit9.do you want to go to a movie?

unit10.can you play the guitar?

unit11.what time do you go to school?

unit12.what’s your favorite subject?


1.present tense to be ;what question; poeive adjectives my, your; his, her.

2.demonstratives this, that; what question; yes/no questions and short answers; ho-w do you spell pen? p-e-n.

3.present progreive tense; how questions ; plural nouns and singural nouns.

4.where questions; prepositions on, in, under; subject pronoun they.

5.ask and answer questions about ownership; make suggestions.

6.how much questions .

7.when questions,and how old questions.

8.can questions.








第1周: starter unit1

第二周:starter unit2

第三周:starter unit3

第4周:unit 1 unit1 my name is gina




??、互相串通,操縱市場價格,損害其他經(jīng)營者或者消費者合法權(quán)益; ㈡、在依法降價處理鮮活商品、季度性商品、積壓商品等商品外,為了排擠競爭對手或者獨占市場,以低于成本的價格傾銷,擾亂正常的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營秩序,損害國家利益或者其 他經(jīng)營者合法權(quán)益;








第5周:unit 2

第6周:unit 3

第7周:unit 4



第10周:unit 6

第11周:review of unit1--- 6

第12周:unit 7 how much are there pants?

第13周:unit 8




第17周 :unit 12



unit 6 do you like bananas ?

section b 2b部分

教學目標:1.what do you eat/like for breakfast?句式;


3.i like...,but i don’t like...句式運用。

教學過程:1.通過問題導入閱讀主題:what is healthy food? what do you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?do you eat healthy food?

2.短語匯集:sports star 體育明星 volleyball star 排球明星eating habits 飲食習慣really adv.確實、真地one last question 最后一個問題 after dinner 晚飯后

want to 想要 want to be 想要變得

3.sports star eats well!

sports star eats well!means sports star eats healthy food.

4.david asks the volleyball star,cindy smith,about her eating habits.

the volleyball star,cindy smith 同位語

about 介詞 關(guān)于

eating habits 飲食習慣

5.what do you like for breakfast?你早餐喜歡什么?練習:1.breakfast/lunch/dinner 替換練習

2.like換為eat 練習

6.i love fruit.i think it’s healthy.我喜歡水果。我認為水果很健康。

i think+賓語從句

7.i don’t like bananas.but i like oranges and apples.我不喜歡香蕉,但是我喜歡橘子和蘋果。

8.what about lunch?午餐呢?

相當于what do you like for lunch?

比較:what about與how about

10.i really like it.我很喜歡(沙拉)。

really 副詞 強調(diào)程度。

i really hate english.我真的討厭英語。

11.they are not healthy.它們不健康。


12.i don’t want to be fat.我不想變胖。

want+動詞不定式(to+動詞原形) 想要......練習:1.我想變胖。



初一英語外研版(上)教案 module 8 choosing presents

一、學習目標: 1.單詞和短語:

card, party, present, would, always, great, cake, never, special, eat, give, sing, happy, secret, cd, cinema, concert, magazine, scarf, silk, shirt, t-shirt, choose, e_ercise, wear, e_pensive, clothes, shoes, spend, money, film, song, match, weekend, at weekends, dear, hear, hear from, afraid


1)—would you like to come to my birthday party? —yes, i’d like to.when is it? 2)great! 3)it’s a secret.3.重點句子:

1) daming always gets birthday presents! 2) she often goes to the cinema.3) what do you usually do at a chinese birthday party? 4) we sometimes give birthday cards.5) my mother never makes a birthday cake.


1.頻度副詞的使用及在句中的位置。 2.動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式。

三、教學設計: unit 2 she often goes to concerts.Ⅰteaching model reading and writing.

Ⅱteaching method communicative approach Ⅲteaching aims

1.to get information from the reading material about choosing birthday presents.2.to write a description of one’s partner.3.to get to know compound nouns.Ⅳteaching objectives

key vocabulary: cd, cinema, concert, magazine, scarf, silk, shirt, t-shirt, choose, e_ercise, wear, e_pensive, clothes, shoes, spend, money, film, song, match, weekend, at weekends Ⅴteaching aids recorder, ohp, video Ⅵteaching steps step 1 warming-up 1.review the te_t of unit 1.

2.show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk something about the pictures. 3.introduce the new words.4.read the new words.step 2 practice 1.look at the pictures in activity 1.

2.read through the list of presents and have the students repeat them after you chorally and individually.3.match the words with the pictures.

4.check with a partner.

5.call back the answers from the whole cla.keys:

1.a concert ticket

2.a magazine

3.a silk shirt 4.a bo_ of chocolate

5.a t-shirt 6.a cd 7.a scarf 8.a cinema ticket

9.a football step 3 reading.1.play the recording.2.ask the students to read through the paage.3.match the people with what they like doing.4.check with a partner.5.call back the answers from the whole cla.keys: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.e

6.choose presents from the pictures in activities 1 for them.7.check with a partner.8.call back the answers from the whole cla.keys:

1.t-shirt 2.a silk dre, a scarf, and a bo_ of chocolate

3.a magazine and a cinema ticket 4.a cd, a concert ticket 5.football 9.complete the paage with the correct form of the words from the bo_.10.check with a partner.11.call back the answers from the whole cla.keys: 1.spends



4.e_pensive 5.concert 6.weekends


8.choose step 4 writing and speaking.

a.write these sentences with ’ (apostrophe).1.read through the sentences.2.write these sentences with ’ (apostrophe).3.check with a partner.4.call back the answers from the whole cla.b.make a list of things you like and do.1.ask the students to make their lists individually.2.you may care to suggest they write five things they like and five things they do.

c.work in pairs.1.ask the students to talk about things they like and do . 2.write a description of their partner.step 5 important and difficult points.she has got 11 silk scarves, 20 shirts and a lot of shoes.在英語中,有些名詞表示由兩部分構(gòu)成的東西。這些名詞常常只用復數(shù)形式。做主語時謂語動詞要用復數(shù),表示數(shù)量時常與“數(shù)詞+ pair(s) + of”搭配。 如:


trousers 褲子

glaes 眼鏡





that pair of trousers is tony’s. 那條褲子是托尼的。 sciors are used to cut things. 剪刀是用來剪東西的。 step 6 do e_ercises: a、單詞拼寫:

1.i have two ______(雙)of new shoes.2.the clothes are very nice.i don’t know which one to ______(選擇).3.i have two______(票).one is for my mother, the other is for my sister.4.how much is this ____________(雜志)? 5.how much do you _________(花費) on these presents? 6.please give me a _______(音樂會) ticket.7.he’ll buy two _____(盒子) of cookies for his son.8.this is a _______(絲綢) shirt.9.i don’t know those ________(歌手).10.my aunt sells ___________(襯衫).answers: 1.pairs 2.choose 3.tickets 4.magazine 5.spend

6.concert 7.bo_es 8.silk 9.singers 10 .shirts



__________________________________________________ 2.她從末去看足球賽。

__________________________________________________ 3.他既不喜歡打藍球,也不喜歡踢足球。

__________________________________________________ 4.我妹妹經(jīng)常去聽音樂會,并且常買些她喜歡的歌手的唱片。 __________________________________________________ answers: 1.he likes reading, but he doesn’t like to go to the cinema.2.she never goes to the football match.3.he doesn’t like playing basketball or playing football.

4.my sister often goes to concerts and she usually buys cds by her favourite singers.


一、teaching aims教學目標

1. 能用所學知識閱讀文章。

2. 能理解文章內(nèi)容,回答問題。

3. 能夠理解文章細節(jié)內(nèi)容。

4. 能夠運用所學內(nèi)容介紹自己的上學路線。

二、 language points語言點


1) 名詞n. river, village, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, villager, dream

2) 形容詞 adj. afraid, true, many

3) 動詞 v. cross, leave

4)短語 between … and …, come true

2. 句型:it’s not easy to cross the river on a ropeway.

there is no bridge.

you want to know how …


了解東西方國家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通規(guī)則,教育學生注意交通安全, 加深對交通知識的了解。倡導自覺遵守交通法規(guī)及禮貌,構(gòu)建和諧的人際關(guān)系。了解交通的發(fā)展,培養(yǎng)創(chuàng)新精神。



t:boys and girls,could you tell me how do you get to school every day?


s1:i ride my bike to school .

s2: i get to school by bus.

t:there are so many types of transportation!

do you think it is easy to get to school?


t:but it’s very difficult for some students to get to school.do you want to know something about that?


t:let’s come to 2a.

2a look at the picture and title below.guess what the passage is about.

(結(jié)合圖片并展示答案:it’s about how students go to school.)


present some key words ,phrases and sentences of the passage to help students understand the main idea of the passage better:river, boat, go on a rope way.

t: how do people usually cross a river?

how does the boy liangliang go cross the river to school?

it is his dream to have a bridge, can his dream come true?

now let’s read the passage of 2b.


fast reading: how does liangliang go to school every day?

careful reading: read the passage and answer the questions.

how do the students in the village go to school?

why do they go to school like this?

does the boy like his school? why?

what is the villagers dream? do you think their dream can come true? why or why not?(多媒體呈現(xiàn)答案)

(四language points

1. crossing the river to school




crossing 是名詞,“渡口,交叉點”。

2. for many students,it is easy to get to school.

it is +adj.+to do sth. “做某事是.......”

3. there is a very big river between their school and the village.

between ...and... “在....和...之間”,連接兩個并列的成分。


(1) between 用于兩者之間。

(2) among 用于三個或三個以上的人或物的“中間”。

4. but he is not afraid.

afraid: “害怕的,畏懼的”。

(1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/某物

(2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

(3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指擔心或擔憂做某事會引起某種后果。

(4)be afraid + that從句,恐怕....


5. many of the students and villagers never leave the village.


a. 離開; 脫離

the train will leave at six tomorrow morning.

b. 把……留在; 留下

leave the child at home. 把小孩留在家里。

c. 遺忘; 丟下

i left my notebook in the dormitory. 我把筆記本落在宿舍里了。

d. 使……處于(某種狀態(tài)),后面常接賓語補足語

leave the door open.

6. leave for+地點,“動身去某地”

he left for the station a few minutes ago.

7. must /have to


have to多表示客觀存在的環(huán)境所限,即客觀要求(無奈)而為之,多譯為“不得不干某事”。

i must clean the room because there are too dirty.

i have to do my homework now.

8. it takes sb some money/time to do sth.花費某人多少時間/錢做某事

sb pay some money for sth 某人為某物花費多少錢

sb spend some time/money on sth 某人在做某事或某物上花費時間/錢

sb spend some time/ money (in) doing sth

sth cost sb some money 某物花費某人多少錢

(五)complete the following passage without looking at 2b.

crossing the river to school

how do you_____to school? do you walk or ____a bike ?do you go_____bus or by train ?for many students, it is_____to get to school. but for students in one small village in china, it is____. there is a very big river _____their school and village .there is no bridge and the river______too quickly for boats. so these students go on a ropeway to _____the river to school.

one 11-year-old boy, liangliang, _____the river every school day. but he is not _____. “i love to____with my classmates, and i _____my teacher .he’s----a father to me.”

many of the students and village never ______the village. it is their______to have a bridge. can their dream______true?

(六)fill in the blanks

2c read the passage again .complete the sentences with words from the passage.

for the students in the village ,it is_________to get to school.

they have to cross a very ___river between their school and the village.

they cannot go by boat because the river runs too___.

it is not easy to cross the river on a ropeway ,but the boy is not__.

the students and villagers want to have a bridge .can their dream come_______?

(七) 3a

read the e-mail from your pen pal tom is the us. fill in the blanks with the word in the box.

kilometers get to takes walk boring leave

hi there,

how are you? thanks for your last e-mail.

you want to know how i_______school, right? well, i usually _____my home at about 8:00 and______to the bus stop .the school bus usually comes at about8:15.my school is about 20_______from my home. it ___about40minutes to get there by bus .the bus ride is never _______because i always talk to my classmates.

what about you? how do you get to school?


starter unit2 what’s this in english? 第1課時section1a-2e 【學習目標】語言目標:字母i—r;辨認物品;拼寫單詞 1.七個表示物體的單詞的熟練掌握。(漢語意思寫出來) map orange jacket key quilt pen ruler 確認物體的句型(寫出意思): 問:what is this in english? 答:it's /a /an/ map/ orange/ jacket/ key/ pen/ ruler/ quilt.3.區(qū)分a和an的用法(讀書上87頁:冠詞用法)。 【預習指導】自我預習





2.小組合作用英語完成對話。 1)熟識朋友見面的問候語和應答。 ——hello, frank! ——hi, cindy! how are you? ——i'm fine / ok, thanks.2)一天見面打招呼的用語。 ---good morning, helen!---,bob! ---good , eric!---good afternoon, grace! ---good evening, helen!---,dale!: ---hi, alice!---hi, cindy! ---hello, frank!---hello, dale! 【課內(nèi)學習】


1.看圖認一認1a中認識的字母,并把它寫下來。小組討論答案,教師巡回檢查。 2.看圖認物品,努力用英語說出認識的物品,小組比一比,哪一個小組認識的物品多。


1)看圖片或者用實物小組做對話練習。 師生備注

2)聽1a錄音,指出聽到的物品。 3)用圖中物品,雙人自由問答并表演。 what's this in english? it's a/an…


?語法要點歸納】以單詞讀音為準,a用在發(fā)音的_______音前面,an用在發(fā)音的_______音前面。 e_planation

一、this是指示代詞,意為“這;這個”,指近處或距說話人近的人或事物。 that意為“那;那個”,指遠處或距說話人遠的人或事物。例如: this is a ruler.that is a key.

二、in english意為“用英語”,其中in是介詞,表示“用語言、聲音、方式等”。如: in chinese用漢語in japanese用日語 what’s this in chinese?這個用漢語怎么說?


冠詞a和an是一種虛詞,只用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,表示“一”的意思。a用在以輔音音素開頭的單詞之前,an用在以元音音素開頭的單詞之前。這里的元音音素和輔音音素是指讀音,而不是指字母。如: a pen/pen/一支鋼筆/p/為輔音音素 an apple/?'?pl/一個蘋果/?/為元音音素

四、what’s this in english?這個用英語怎么說?

句型what’s this in english?意為“這個用英語怎么說?”用來詢問某物,回答時要用“itis/it’sa(n)+名詞”,其中it用來指代this或that。what’s=what is,意為“是什么”。英語中用來提問的特殊疑問句總是放在句子的開頭, 這一點與漢語不同,同學們要特別注意英語的語序。例如: —what’s this in english? 這個用英語怎么說? —it’s a jacket.它是一件夾克衫。

—what’s that in english? 那個用英語怎么說? —it’s an egg.那是一只雞蛋。


英語字母就如同我們漢語中的筆畫一樣,是拼寫單詞的組成元素。 音素是英語語音的最小單位。

把音素記錄下來的符號叫音標,通常寫在//或[]里。 【口訣】

冠詞a, an兩種帽,單數(shù)名詞常需要; 輔音單數(shù)a提前,元音單數(shù)an優(yōu)先。

?學習成果展示】(滿分50分) 完成時間15分鐘

一、正確朗讀字母。(5分) n n r r ii o o m m p p j j l l k k q q

二、將下列字母按字母表順序排列并抄寫在四線格上。(18分) 1)mhaikcdejnporbfglq

2)c d a h j i m g r o l n q e k p b f


________cc__________,________jj__________,________ff_________,________mm_________________oo________, ________hh_________




()1.what'sthisinenglish?it's__________.a.orange b.an orange c.a orange ()2.what'sthis_____________?it'sapen.a.in english b.for english c.english ()3.__________this?it'sanapple.a.what 're b.what c.what's ()4.what'sthis?___________________.a.this’ s a quilt b .it's a quilt c.i'm a quilt ()5.hello,eric!_________,dale! a .hello b. sit down c.i'm ok ()6.howareyou,helen?____________.a.fine, thank you.b.good afternoon c.i'm ok.【總結(jié)反思】在本節(jié)課中你還有什么不明白的問題,還有什么沒有掌握的知識,請記錄下來,找機會詢問同學或老師。

starter unit2 what’s this in english? 第2課時section3a—4d 【學習目標】語言目標:字母i—r;辨認物品;拼寫單詞 1.掌握下列重點單詞(查出):spell______ __,please_________ 2.掌握下列重點句子:(寫出意思) ——what's this in english?——it’s a key.

——spell it, please.——k-e-y.

3.四會大、小寫字母a a- --r r.【預習指導】自我預習


試著用按英語中音標拼讀出starterunit23c的新單詞(在書上第94頁)。 溫故知新1.按順序默寫出所學過的大、小寫字母(18個)。



1.完成3a,自己看圖填一填把不會的單詞查出來。 2.完成3c讀一讀對話,把不會的單詞查出來。 3.完成4a試著填出所缺字母在書上。

4.完成4b試著按首字母順序填出編號在書上。 【課內(nèi)學習】

一、教材處理:自主互助學習 1.猜句意spell it, please.2.學生聽并跟讀,同時老師板書spell it, please.k-e-y.3.學習單詞spell, please.4.練習:用所學物品兩人一組,練習1a對話。 5.表演3c(用老師所示物品問答)。 6.聽3b,小組檢查、核對。

7.比一比:看圖3a每組參加1人,按物品的某種順序,看誰寫得又快又準。 e_planation

一、spell it, please.請拼寫一下吧。

1.這是一個用來考查別人拼寫(讀)能力的句式。用于別人提到的單詞,自己不知如何拼寫。讓對方指出這個單詞由哪幾個字母組成。例如: it’s a jacket.它是一個夾克衫。 —spell it, please.請拼寫它。 —j-a-c-k-e-t.

2.please意為“請”,常用于一些客套的場合,可放在句首,也可以放在句末。放在句末時,常用逗號與前面部分隔開。例如: please stand up.=stand up, please.請起立。

?學習成果展示】(滿分50分) 完成時間15分鐘

一、找出與所給字母含有相同音素的選項。(5分) e a .g b.m c .n f a.r b.q c .pen____ o a.orange b.ok c.dog____ a a .thanks b.dale c.map i a.hi b .in c.quilt____

二、按字母表順序默寫字母i到r的大小寫形式。(10分) a________________________________ a_________________________________

三、整理字母順序組成單詞。(10分) qulit______rulre______eky_____lpsle____ pleesa_____arknf______kcajte______mpa______

四、用is, am, are 填空。(10分) 1)i_________frank.2) this___ ___a pen.3) what________this ?4) how_______you? 5)it___ __a key.

五、讀句子,連線配對(5分) a spell it ,please .a hi! b what 's this? b good morning! c hello,cindy!c it' san orange.d how are you? d i'm ok.e good morning !e o-r-a-n-g-e

六、選擇填空(10分) ()1.thisis_______orangejacket.a.an b.a c./ ()2.what'sthis_______english.a.in b.for c.on ()3.---spell it, please.---_______ a.map b.mapc.m-a-p ()4.---alice, what' s this in english?---__________ a.it's pen b.it's a pen c.this is a pen ()5.---how are you?---_______ a .hello b.thanks c.i'm ok 【總結(jié)反思】在本節(jié)課中你還有什么不明白的問題,還有什么沒有掌握的知識,請記錄下來,找機會詢問同學或老師。