
時間:2023-12-31 作者:pUssy 作文大全




it is a nice day. our class will have a field trip today. the classmates are very excited.

look! here we are. there’re a lot of activities to do. amy is watching insects. peter is collecting leaves. they want to write a report. mandy is catching butterflies in the woods. tim and bob are playing chess. some of the classmates are having a picnic. there is a lot of delicious food to eat. oh, who’s that over thereit’s miss white. what is she doingshe is taking photos. we had a very good time. i’ll never forget this field trip.




句型:××. is/are doing sth. she /he is doing sth. they’re doing sth.



my name is zhang ziqi, 10 years old this year, from foreign languages school class three (8) of a little girl. i don't think you must know me! make a self-introduction now!

i have a round face, big eyes of black, appear more against long eyelashes, a straight nose below with a glib mouth, speak to gush, my big head with a "pony tail", when i walk on it are always excited to follow the pace of my beat. because i am strong, long fat everywhere, mother always like to touch my head and said: "ah! why are you so round head, call you small longan!" so the "little longan" became mother for my nickname!

my personality is lively, get along well with children, i am our class english lesson representative, i can always quantity and to fulfill the task of the teacher issued, therefore, the teacher always said i was her good helper!

my hobby many, chess, painting, dancing -- -- -- -- -- my best is to play the piano, homework half an hour to play the piano every evening always when i was most happy. my ideal is to be a presenter, i want to share my happiness and all the people

this is me, a serious and confident girl. want to make friends with me? why not come to me! introduction model 500 junior high school of 500 students to introduce myself to introduce myself


in our china, there are many delicious dishes. in the record a bite of china, we can see the essence of chinese diet. among so many dishes, i like sweet and sour spare rib and beef most. sweet and sour spare rib is a traditional and popular chinese cuisine. its cooking method is simple but it taste well. sweet and sour contains together, tasting much better. beef is popular in general families. there are various methods to cook this food material. we can fry or stew and we can get different but tasty foods. however, taste of home are the most popular in families.


i ’m zhaoling. i have a good friend. her name’s gina. for breakfast, she eats milk and eggs. for lunch, she eats chicken, rice, vegetables and salad. but i don’t eat salad for lunch. gina only eats fruit for dinner. she likes bananas and apples. gina has a healthy eating habit.


fast food and takeout are very common things in china, such as kfc and mcdonald‘s. many people choose to eat instant noodles to save time, because it is very convenient to eat these instant foods, which can save a lot of time, especially for chinese children. they eat a lot of this kind of fast food and like that kind of food, but are those foods really healthy? this is not the case.

instant noodles and fast food are more nutritious than their own meals, but they will eat faster, and they will become more obese if eaten more. so why do these foods have so many hazards, people still have to eat them. because eating these foods, you don’t have to cook by yourself, and you can eat them faster. another point is that these foods are often put with some seasonings that we don‘t know, so they will become more delicious. in fact, there is no greater change in nutrition. even fast food is called junk food. so in our life, eating is also an important choice for food.

nowadays, obesity has become a frequent cause of diseases, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high fat, which will cause a series of diseases. therefore, balanced diet is an inevitable topic now. for chinese children, the growth stage is to grow up for a long time. they can’t eat fast food without nutrition for a long time, otherwise, they will suffer from poor growth and more diseases disease, we must not because of delicious and go to overeating, these are not good habits.


昨天進(jìn)行了英語第一單元測試,我想這次的考試成績也不會好到哪里去,等著挨批吧!上課鈴聲一響,因為心虛,我坐得特別好,希望這樣能減輕老師對我的指責(zé)。 沒過多久,英語老師拿著英語試卷進(jìn)來了,果然,開口就講到了昨天的考試。只見 miss yu 手上多了兩張小獎狀,我想:什么時候我能拿到獎狀啊,獎狀對我來說實在是遙不可及。

這時,老師開口了:“這一次的考試后,老師為你們準(zhǔn)備了兩張小獎狀。一張呢,是為這次測試中成績比較優(yōu)秀的同學(xué)準(zhǔn)備的;一張呢,是為這次測試中成績進(jìn)步比較大的同學(xué)而準(zhǔn)備的。我把這兩張獎狀貼在墻上,希望我們班的同學(xué)都能向這些同學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)。具體是哪幾位同學(xué)的名字上墻了,老師在這里就不一一點(diǎn)名了,課后,你們自己去看。在這里,我提幾個同學(xué)。首先,我要表揚(yáng)的是丁炳男同學(xué),在這次考試中他考了 64 分,比上學(xué)期有了明顯的進(jìn)步。同學(xué)們有目共睹,這學(xué)期下來,丁炳男同學(xué)呢,背書非常積極(當(dāng)然這也有幾位同學(xué)付出了汗水),所以這次考試進(jìn)步了。設(shè)想,你們在每次測試中都能進(jìn)步幾分,那期末結(jié)束,你的成績就會提高很多。一分也是進(jìn)步,幾分也是進(jìn)步,凡是有了進(jìn)步就值得大家學(xué)習(xí),成為大家的榜樣。接下去,讓我們把掌聲送給他,希望同學(xué)們都能夠向他學(xué)習(xí)?!?頓時,教室里響起了一片掌聲,我的心里有藏不住的喜悅。這個掌聲對我意義重大,它給了我信心,這時,我想到:背英語的確有用,以前我考試考得不好是因為我太懶惰了,老師讓我背的東西我都沒有好好背,現(xiàn)在一課課地背下去,心里覺得塌實多了。在以后的日子里,我會更加努力地學(xué)習(xí)英語,爭取在每次的進(jìn)步獎狀中留下自己的名字。所以,在接下去老師分析試卷的過程中我聽得異常認(rèn)真。