
時(shí)間:2023-04-16 作者:Kris 讀后感














this winter vacation,i read agreat book《bookworm》.in gread 1,i appreciate the beauty of the moon,and,i know mary,queen of soctss story……in a word,ibenefited a lot of in really like this book.

among them,my favourite book is《love or money》.it tells a rich women death is suspect,and they greeted her moneys mouth little daughter threatens her,to obtain money;on the surface seems to love her big daughter to reasons but hater mother;her son to a piece of land and mother fell out……

results a murderer is her big daughter!reason have

to her the person i love !

i was very girl,actually killed her mother,is really too not filial know people for a variety of reasons will kill your most ,we should control oneself,avoid incentive,not reckless things……

the《book worm》 has taught me a lot.










i was read the book which called “the adventures of tom sawyer”. this story is about a clever boy called tom sawyer.

tom is a naughty boy, he doesn’t like school and he doesn’t like work and he never wants to get up in the morning. but he like playing like swimming, fishing and having adventures with his friends. in this story he and his friend have a lot of adventures. these adventures can be dangerous. one night in the graveyard he and huck see three men. then tom and his friends saw a murder. joey killed the doctor and referred to peter. tom and his friends exposed joey and caught him and became hero.

i think tom is naughty but he is sympathetic and upright, he is brave he doesn’t afraid of joey and full of his mind are wicked idea but he is clever and optimistic, he want his friend work for him, he make a lot of funny things.

this book let me know we need to “the road sees rough, gone to bat” to face difficult things we can’t shrink back and we need to fight with them. in the same time l know if only have a dream have pursuit and should try our best to do it , we can’t give up easily .

it just like in our study life we need to do our best. when we have problem we need to overcome it and get better scores.


卡西莫多是一個(gè)怪人、丑人、善良之人,在他的身上我學(xué)到了一些做人的道理,在他的鐘聲中,我讀出了愛。卡西莫多的鐘聲沉沉的、嗡嗡的,雨果先生描寫的非常逼真,我讀著感覺就像是身臨其中一般,像是親耳聽到的,從鐘聲中我感受到他的人生一定會(huì)是坎坷的,他更多相關(guān)范文>> 卡西莫多是一個(gè)怪人、丑人、善良之人,在他的身上我學(xué)到了一些做人的道理,在他的鐘聲中,我讀出了愛。 卡西莫多的鐘聲沉沉的、嗡嗡的,雨果先生描寫的非常逼真,我讀著感覺就像是身臨其中一般,像是親耳聽到的,從鐘聲中我感受到他的人生一定會(huì)是坎坷的,他的線路一定曲折,他的鐘聲是凄涼與熱血的混合體,像是飽經(jīng)風(fēng)霜的一艘船,傷口證明了一切。 我曾經(jīng)是個(gè)愛認(rèn)輸?shù)娜?,卡西莫多的鐘聲給我鼓舞,每每讀到作者對(duì)鐘聲的描寫時(shí),我頭腦中的畫面是卡西莫多如何戰(zhàn)勝挫折。如果化絆腳石為墊腳石,凡人的肉身,圣人的力量,撞鐘人敲出了時(shí)間,也敲出了自己的人生,他的鐘聲讓我感動(dòng)。 卡西莫多的為人也像鐘聲一樣正義,鐘聲與木樁的相撞,是反抗,是正義的反抗,在他從刑場(chǎng)救出愛斯梅拉達(dá)的那一剎那,也許巴黎人表示出不屑和不解,但我卻覺得那是另一種正義,雖然愛斯梅拉達(dá)最終還是以絞刑被處死,但他當(dāng)初的行動(dòng)依然令人震撼。 我認(rèn)為卡西莫多的鐘聲也是另一種浪漫的愛情,他曾幫她、疼她、愛她,這種感情直至他人生的最后一秒,面對(duì)她的拒絕,也許敲鐘是他最好的發(fā)泄,那時(shí)的鐘聲是傷心欲絕和堅(jiān)持到底兩種感情的訖釋,童話中王子與公主的愛情在這里都顯得低人一等,有過以鐘聲為伴奏的愛情,為愛犧牲,值了。 讀鐘聲,感鐘聲中的一切,聽鐘聲,一切盡在其中。


it is known to the entire world that little women by louisa may alcott is one of the representatives of feminist works. this paper analyzes feminism embodied in josephine’s view on love in little women. in the introduction of the paper, i will talk about the background, literature review and my writing perspective. as for the body part, in chapter one i will analyze josephine’s character from many examples in the story; in chapter two i will give a comprehensive analysis of josephine’s view on love, which mainly covers the love choice she made and the reasons of the choice; in chapter three, i will analyze feminism reflected form josephine, including the aspiration for freedom, the desire for independence, and the worship of true love. in chapter four, i will discuss the enlightments and limitations of josephine’s feminism in modern times. at last in the conclusion, i will give a brief summary of this paper.

even if having the small flaws, little women is still an undoubtedly great work. it put eyes on women’s growth, fights and efforts to realize the value of life in a patriarchal society. even in today, it still has realistic values for modern girls to learn.

through the daily lives of march sisters, louisa drew a vivid picture of the life of temporal american pioneers, especially jo. she impressed us by her goodness, honesty, insistence…and her precipitancy, rebellion… she’s like a close friend to us, and as well an inner spirit of us.

in order to get closer to this work, i’ve talked about the social background at that time, louisa’s family history, literature review and the definition of feminism; and then to figure out the reasons of jo’s choice, i’ve analyzed jo’s personality, the process of jo’s choice and the reasons of it, so i not only had a clearer impression of jo, but also got a deeper understanding of her choice; at last in order to learn the feminist spirits from jo, i discussed some extraordinary feminist qualities of jo and got some constructive tips and suggestions about feminism for all the girls.

after finishing this work which is definitely a masterpiece in history, i’ve learned the importance of freedom, both physically and spiritually, without it, i think i even can’t live well; and also i’ve known the value of independence, there’s no one can accompany and help me forever, so being independent can make me live better and feed myself just on my own; last but not the least, i’ve also been reminded with the preciousness of true love which makes people truly happy from the bottom from the hearts.

reading little women can be an enjoyable thing, to seek the peace in the blatant, and to seek an aim in the hesitation. we can learn so much from this book. over a century passing by, the glory of this book doesn’t vanish, instead it becomes more excellent, and it connects people generation by generation.