
時(shí)間:2023-03-13 作者:Indulgence 備課教案







anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, help out





anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, help out




step1 lead –in &warming-up(5mins)


t: have you seen plants andanimals that live under the sea? where did you see them? what’s this? yes,they’re killer whales、 how much do you know about them? i’ll show you a shortvideo、

?意圖說明】在讀前這個(gè)環(huán)節(jié),通過幾個(gè)問題,激發(fā)學(xué)生原有的對海洋生物的知識儲(chǔ)備,再展示一些相關(guān)的圖片,認(rèn)識一些常見海底動(dòng)物的英文名稱。最后出現(xiàn)虎鯨的形象,以拋出問題what’sthis? how much do you know about them?來引出今天閱讀的主角——虎鯨。先播放一段視頻——“虎鯨捕獵”的場面。

step2 pre-reading (predicting)(2mins)

t: now please look at the title“is old tom an old man?” right, it’s notan old man、 it’s the name of a killer whale、 here are two pictures of thekiller whale、 can you guess what happened to him?


step3 while-reading (28mins)

task 1 fast-reading(3mins)

what’s the main idea of the passage? read the passage quickly and completethe following sentences、

the text consists of two ________written by clancy、they are mainly about how old tom helped the whalers ________a whale and savedjames from the _______、

explain new words:

anecdote: short, usuallyamusing story about a real person or event


task 2 careful-reading(3mins)

read the first story again and finish the chart、

fill in the blanks、


task 3 discussing and speaking(5mins)

discuss in pairs and answer the following questions、

what’s the relationshipbetween old tom and the whalers?


task 4 read the second story again and finish the chart、(2mins)

fill in the blanks、

task 5 discussing and speaking(15mins)

read the second story and answer the following questions:

1、 how did old tom help james?

2、 as far as you know , what other animals everhelp out human beings in history?




” 1999年《哈爾濱晚報(bào)》登載了這樣一條新聞:黑龍江省阿城市有一個(gè)聾啞人,有一天坐在火車道上,當(dāng)火車路過這里時(shí),怎么鳴叫他也聽不見。這時(shí),在路邊吃草的一只山羊見到了,它拼命地跑了過來,用角把這個(gè)人推出了道軌,而它來不及躲避,不幸壯烈犧牲。)

3、 what conclusion can we come to after weshare these stories?


step4 languageappreciation(10mins)


in the first story, which sentences do you thinkbest describe the scene of the whale hunt and the actions of old tom? in thesecond story, what scene impresses you most?


we ran down to the shore in time to see an enormousanimal opposite us throwing itself out of the water andthen crashing down again、


throwing itself out of the water形象地表現(xiàn)了鯨躍出水面的動(dòng)作。throw的用法很靈活,能表達(dá)出豐富的含義。如:

i felt discouraged when he threw cold water on myidea、


she threw herself into a chair and began to cry、


the fire threw hundreds of workers out of work、


…when we approached him, i saw james being firmly held up in the water by old tom、


step4 homework

1、 surf the internet andlearn more about the killer whale and other marine animals、

2、 try to retell the story using your own words、



《unit 1 friendship》

大家好!今天我說課的內(nèi)容是高一英語新課程實(shí)驗(yàn)教科書必修1 unit one, the first period。下面我就從教材分析、教法分析、學(xué)法分析、教學(xué)過程、教學(xué)評價(jià)五個(gè)方面進(jìn)行說明。











1、學(xué)會(huì)閱讀的技能——scanningand skimming 。











1、訓(xùn)練scanningand skimming等閱讀技能。














一節(jié)課的良好開始,對于整節(jié)課教學(xué)的順利進(jìn)行起著至關(guān)重要的作用。在warming up 部分我分四步進(jìn)行:

1、用問問題的形式導(dǎo)入(屏幕顯示)。同時(shí)板書unit 1 friendship。

do you have any friends? are you good to your friends?

which kind of friend do you think is the best friend?

2、做調(diào)查:在warming up部分有5個(gè)問題,我讓學(xué)生獨(dú)立完成。然后在屏幕上顯示下列表格。


grade 1 (5分以下) 直截了當(dāng),做事果斷,沒考慮不良后果。

grade 2 (10分以下) 能用更合理的方法處理問題,又不傷朋友之間的感情,但自己的利益有時(shí)會(huì)受損。

grade 3 (10分以上) 不傷感情,又能保全自己利益。



a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難之交才是真朋友。

real friends are few and far between. 知音難得。

long distance separates no bosom friends. 海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰。





why do you need friends?

what do you think a good friend should be like?




本單元的中心話題是good manners,這是一個(gè)亙古及今且永恒的話題。但在我們這一單元中,good manners 都有些什么內(nèi)容呢?中外文化中對good manners 的理解、體現(xiàn)有什么異同?我們該怎么做、做什么才能成為一個(gè)受人歡迎、具有g(shù)ood manners 的人呢?單元中十一個(gè)板塊的相關(guān)話題的設(shè)計(jì)及語言材料的選編無不緊緊扣著這個(gè)中心。從日常生活中看似雖小但能觸及心靈的情景及行為,如道歉、書面致謝;東西方餐桌禮儀;域外風(fēng)俗禮節(jié)等,都作了詳盡的詮釋,所有這些為我們提供的不僅是充實(shí)的英語語言知識和綜合語言運(yùn)用技能訓(xùn)練的內(nèi)容,更重要的是學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)這一單元的整個(gè)過程也是他們陶冶情操、規(guī)范行為、發(fā)展心智的過程,這對他們身心的發(fā)展會(huì)產(chǎn)生較強(qiáng)的感染作用,有助于他們?nèi)宋乃仞B(yǎng)的整體提高和跨文化意識的加強(qiáng)。

“熱身”(warming up)部分設(shè)計(jì)了學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)生活中及日常生活中經(jīng)常發(fā)生的四幅畫面:上課遲到、打斷別人說話、排隊(duì)買飯時(shí)不小心雨傘戳著別人、商店里排隊(duì)付款一男士推開兩顧客從他們中間穿過,顧客生氣質(zhì)問男士。讓學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)道歉,學(xué)會(huì)講禮貌。這部分的目的是,引出中心話題good manners,幫助學(xué)生明白講禮貌會(huì)使我們?nèi)穗H之間關(guān)系和諧融洽,甚至?xí)筛隇橛癫?同時(shí)復(fù)習(xí)或?qū)W習(xí)一些致歉語和必要的答語。

“聽力”(listening)部分提供了一段兩朋友間的對話,一朋友不打招呼騎走了另一朋友的自行車,并且把它弄丟了。怎么辦?當(dāng)然是道歉。這個(gè)聽力練習(xí)要求學(xué)生通過聽學(xué)會(huì)對發(fā)生了這種事情后的道歉表達(dá)和更高姿態(tài)的回響,使道歉者釋然。以此了解英語國家人士語言的得體性、思維的方式與習(xí)慣表達(dá)方法,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生跨文化交際的意識。如 “i guess it wasn’t really your fault, was it?” , “ that’s ok. forget it. it was an old bike anyway.”

“口語”(speaking)部分提供的是三組文字情景,要求學(xué)生在前面“熱身”和“聽力”的基礎(chǔ)上,以雙人對話的活動(dòng)形式體現(xiàn)情景,訓(xùn)練學(xué)生在比較真實(shí)的情景中口頭表達(dá)能力和豐富他們有關(guān)道歉的語匯,包括詞和句型。充分展示具備good manners者解決問題、處理尷尬場面的風(fēng)采。

“讀前”(pre-reading)部分設(shè)計(jì)了四個(gè)情景:1)at a dinner party, 2)greeting your teacher, 3)receiving your birthday present, 4)paying a visit to a friend’s house, 以小組活動(dòng)的形式討論并寫下在中國文化中以上情景有禮有節(jié)的一些規(guī)矩,這一活動(dòng)的目的是不僅要調(diào)用學(xué)生已有的直接和間接的體現(xiàn)good manners 的生活經(jīng)驗(yàn),加深對我們中國是文明禮儀之邦的認(rèn)識,而且激活學(xué)生的思維,自然過度到下一步的 “reading”--- 西方文化、餐飲禮儀。



“語言學(xué)習(xí)”(language study)分詞匯和語法兩部分。詞匯部分有構(gòu)詞法知識,前綴in-, im-, un-, non- 和練習(xí)部分詞匯的一篇與課文主題相關(guān)的短文。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生通過短文提供的生動(dòng)語境培養(yǎng)自己理解和記憶單詞的能力。語法項(xiàng)目是定語從句,這是繼前面兩單元后第三次出現(xiàn),不屬新的語法知識。非限制性定語從句第一次介入。語法第一部分提供的限制性定語從句和非限制性定語從句的例句比較和說明,可供學(xué)生自主學(xué)習(xí),讓學(xué)生探究發(fā)現(xiàn)兩種定語從句的不同形式和含義。第二部分著重檢驗(yàn)學(xué)生運(yùn)用兩種定語從句拓展句子的能力。

“綜合技能”(integrating skills)設(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)很實(shí)用的寫作任務(wù):寫感謝信。這個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)包括讀和寫。閱讀部分的內(nèi)容是一封感謝信的范例;寫作部分的任務(wù)是:對老師的幫助、父母的關(guān)心支持、朋友的真誠、收到生日禮物等寫一封感謝信。通過這一活動(dòng),讓學(xué)生明白對他人的幫助心存感激,無疑是一種美德,一種素養(yǎng)。



二.課時(shí)安排:6 課時(shí)。

the first period: warming up and listening

the second period: speaking

the third period and fourth periods: pre-reading, reading and post-reading

the fifth period: language study

the sixth period:integrating skills


the first period


to focus on talking about good manners as warming up and listening practice.

to learn to express apologies and responses to apologies.

to arouse students’ interest in learning good manners through various activities in class.

teaching procedures:

i. warming up


1.以舊帶新,先入為主,根據(jù)學(xué)生自己的體驗(yàn)和理解,列舉good manners 的事例。

2.知錯(cuò)并向人道歉是good manners 的行為之一。引入道歉用語,借書中情景和額外補(bǔ)充的各種情景反復(fù)演練,使學(xué)生能將這些禮貌用語嫻熟地運(yùn)用于生活之中。




1. t: we like people with good manners. we don’t like people with bad manners.

well, what are good manners in your opinions? for example,

is it good manners to take your classmate’s bicycle without telling him?

of course it’s ( not) good manners to do…./ that….

group work: make a list of at least four things which are good manners in our daily life.

2. what should we do at least to be good manners if we do something wrong?

making an apology? and how to express your apologies? what expressions do you use to apologize?

(excuse me/ i’m sorry./ i am terribly sorry/ please forgive me...)

3. look at the four pictures in the text. complete the dialogues with proper words according to the situations given.

4. here are some more similar situations. please make similar dialogues in pairs to drill the expressions of apologies.

situation one: you go to the teachers’ office to hand in your homework, but your teacher is talking with one of her colleague. you interrupt them.

situation tw you are late for the school gathering and all your classmates are waiting for you at the bus station. you explain that you had a flat tyre. your classmates forgive you and tell you not to worry.

situation three: when you are walking in the streets, you step onto someone’s toes and this person is a bit angry. he reminds you to be careful next time.

situation four: you are playing basketball and suddenly the ball hit someone passing by. the person is very angry with you.

5. in fact, if you can apologize probably after you do something wrong, others will still have a good impression of you. on the other hand, your proper response to an apology also shows you are a person with good manners.

well, what’s your response to the following apologies?

1) i’m sorry, sam. i stepped on your pen and broke it. i didn’t see it on the floor.

______________________________. ( it’s ok. i have another pen.)

2) i’m sorry, mr. tan, i didn’t complete my homework. i was not feeling well last night.


(are you feeling better now? you may hand in your homework tomorrow.)

6. do you think it good manners to make an apology to people in time if you have done something wrong? please describe the situation last time when you made an apology to others.

what did you say to express your apologies? what was the other’s response?

did he / she accept your apology? do you think him a person with good manners?

why (not)?

ii. listening

1. listening in sb.

遵循step by step 的原則,分聽前(pre-listening)、聽時(shí)(while-listening)和聽后(post-listening) 三步走,并設(shè)計(jì)各個(gè)步驟的任務(wù)型活動(dòng),使整個(gè)聽力目標(biāo)明確,中心話題更為突出。

pre-listening: go over the six questions or sentences and guess in pairs if the persons in the listening have good manners or not. why do you think so?

while-listening: answer the questions and complete the six sentences.

post-listening questions:

has anything similar happened to you? what was the situation? how did you deal with it?

do you think you’re a person with good manners? in what ways?

2. listening in wb. p.115

listen to the tape and finish the exercises in it.

the second period


to focus on oral practice --- speaking.

the students are to use the expressions of apologies and possible answers freely through some situations.

they are enabled to solve some simulating problems about good manners and bad manners.

teaching procedures:

i. elicit the expressions of apologies and possible answers through the situations which might happen to the teacher himself / herself.

the teacher is a bitl late for the class.

the teacher carelessly knocks down a student’s booksl on the table.

the teacher blames some student wrongly for not …l

1. t: i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to …. now i apologize for my …

s: oh, that’s all right.


2. t: what do you think of me since i made an apology for what i did?

what if i didn’t apologize to you for what i did?

就老師的行為讓學(xué)生評說會(huì)更加激發(fā)學(xué)生說的興趣,還會(huì)使學(xué)生具備一定的good manners 的尺度標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。同時(shí),為后面學(xué)生自己如何表現(xiàn)出文明禮貌、“問題”如何解決作準(zhǔn)備。

3. t: what would you do in the following situations, so as to show you have good manners?


ii. role-play: problem solving


survey and interview about relationship between neighbors.

in your group of four, one acts as a journalist, interviewing separately the other three who are neighbors about their relationship in between. each neighbor talks about their good or bad relationship between each other and tells the reasons for it. one or two of the neighbors have some problems, and they can’t get on well with each other. the journalist reports it to the neighborhood committee and they try to solve it.

我們中國人用自己的good manners的尺度標(biāo)準(zhǔn),處理好鄰里之間的關(guān)系。世界其他各國對good manners 的尺度標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是否都一樣?

iii. discussion p.116

iv. conclusion:

different countries have different standards of good manners. but people all over the world will appreciate those who are kind and helpful to others and the things that are beautiful and true.

the third and fourth periods


to get to know the western table manners.

to learn some useful expressions about table manners.

to compare chinese table manners with western table manners.

teaching procedures:

i. pre-reading tasks:

其目的是激活學(xué)生已有的相關(guān)背景知識,啟發(fā)學(xué)生思維和想象,活躍課堂氣氛,使學(xué)生很快融入課堂教學(xué)內(nèi)容。如借助圖片或powerpoint, 以小組競賽的形式復(fù)習(xí)有關(guān)中外餐桌上食物、餐具的一些單詞;以小組討論的形式重溫文明禮儀之邦的中國在待人接物、餐桌禮儀方面的獨(dú)特習(xí)俗;最后聚焦于西方的餐桌禮儀。三項(xiàng)任務(wù)一步一步地扣上下一步的閱讀內(nèi)容。




1、 ability goals能力目標(biāo)

to help the ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

to get the ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

2、 learning ability goals學(xué)能目標(biāo)

to enable the ss to talk about animals under the sea.

to help the ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.


teaching important points教學(xué)重點(diǎn)

help the ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs、

teaching difficult points教學(xué)難點(diǎn)

1、 help the ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading、

2、 help the ss tell apart from before, during and after in the story、


step1、 warming up : talk about animals under the sea、

1、 have you ever seen some marine animals?

2、 what have you seen, and where have you seen them?

i have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

step2、 fast-reading:

1、 find out the background information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character、

2、 find out the main idea of the passage: what’s the first story mainly about?

step3、 careful-reading:

1、 clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales、 did he believe it at first? when did he believe it was a true anecdote?

2、 how many paragraphs are there all together in story1? the hunt can be divided into 3 stages、

stage1: before the hunt: (para、 2-6):

old tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …why? to lead the whalers…

whalers’ reaction: another whaler __________、 george _____ ___ _____ clancy, and clancy ______ after him、 they __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay、

stage2&3: dur ing and after the hunt: (para、 7-9):

killer whale’s doing: the killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea、 the killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs、 when the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea、

whalers’ reaction: the man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot、

conclusion: they have amazing relationship、 they work as a team

step4 : summary

working at the _______station, i had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales、

on the afternoon i arrived at the station, as i was __________ my accommodation, i heard a loud noise coming from the bay、 i ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again、 george told me it was old tom, who announced there would be a ___________、

using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about six killers、 some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea、 the whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot、 being badly ________, the whale soon died、 very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea、


deal with exercise 3 in comprehending 、 let the ss work in groups and do some discussion:as a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal、 many people are trying to protect them from being hunted、 the last whaling station in australia closed in 1978、 but some countries oppose the ban、 an d there are still people who hunt whales、 what’s your opinion? are you for or against the banning whaling? consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow、








step 1warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)


用本單元的閱讀文marty’s story來導(dǎo)入,引出殘疾人的話題。

t: hello, class、 inthe last lesson, we learnt marty’s story、 what’s the problem with marty?

(he has a raremuscle disease、)

yes, he’sdisabled、

but is martyleading a miserable life due to his disability?


he is leading afulfilling life due to his own efforts、 the disabled can live as good andcomfortable a life as we do、 but it calls for more efforts、



t: we are lucky tobe able-bodied and study in such a beautiful school、

but every now andthen, i find such students in our school、 what are their problems?

(they havedifficulty walking and they have to move around with walking sticks orwheelchairs、)

t: this is songyaoguang, our classmate、 yaoguang, what happened to you?

do you find itdifficult to walk around in our school with a walking stick?

do you think itnecessary to have our school reconstructed for the students with walkingdifficulty?


t:if you have some suggestions, you can write asuggestion letter to our headmaster、 have you ever written such a letterbefore?

so in today’slesson, we are going to

1、 read asuggestion letter

2、 discussproblems with the school facilities

3、 write a suggestionletter to the headmaster

step2 reading (15 min)




t: this is aletter to an architect、 what information can we get in this part?

(receiver’s nameand address、)

what’s this partabout?

(sender’s name /signature)

from these twoparts, we learn that this is a formal letter、 so a suggestion letter is aformal letter、

it is the mostimportant part in a suggestion letter, which is called the body、


t:the main body can be divided into three parts、 whatare they?

(1, 2-6, 7)

t: what's thepurpose of the 1st paragraph?

(to give thearchitect the purpose of writing the letter、)

what's the purposeof the last paragraph?

(to persuade thearchitect to adopt her suggestions、)




t: now, let’s cometo the concrete suggestions that alice has made、 how many suggestions doesalice make?

why do you thinkthe writer numbered her suggestions and used italics?

(highlight the key points so as to make iteasier for the readers to remember and understand her suggestions、)

so when you writea suggestion letter, you should number the suggestions and use italics、


t: we are going tolearn some more writing strategies of writing suggestions、

how should wewrite suggestions? let’s take a look at the first suggestion, what are theproblems for those who use wheelchair?

(the lifts are atthe back of the cinema in cold, unattractive places、 as disabled people have touse the lifts, this makes them feel they are not as important as othercustomers、)

and what is thesuggested solution?

(it would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema、 the buttons in the lifts should beeasy for a person in a wheelchair to reach, and the doors be wide enough toenter、 )

from this part, wecan see that a suggestion should consist of two parts, the problem and thesolution、

let’s see two moreexamples、 find out the problems and suggested solutions in these two parts、

when you writesuggestions yourselves, don’t forget to write both problems and solutions、


t: the thirdwriting strategy is about the the language、 suppose you were the architect,which one of these two statements do you prefer?

(screen) i hopeyou will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the needs ofdisabled customers、

you must thinkabout the needs of disabled customers、

why? (it soundsmore polite and more acceptable、)

exactly、 when youwrite suggestions, you should use some polite forms to encourage the reader totake the ideas seriously and make your suggestions more acceptable、

now let’s findsome more examples in the text、


it would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema、

it would help tofit sets of earphones to all seats、、、

so i’d like tosuggest that the seats at the back be placed higher than those at the front …

for disabledcustomers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near…

and if the doorscould be opened outwards, disabled customers would be very happy、

i hope mysuggestions will meet with your approval、

step 3 discussion(8 min)


t: now let’s comeback to our topic today、 some parts of our school are not suitable for thosewith walking difficulty、 let’s discuss:

1、 what parts ofour school may cause problems for those with walking difficulty?

2、 what are yoursolutions?

step 4 writing(15 min)


now that we havediscussed the problems and solutions with some school facilities, we can writea suggestion letter to our headmaster、 take out your handouts、 the first partand last part are already given to you、 what you have to do is write 2-3suggestions on the reconstruction of our school、 when writing, do remember towrite both problems and solutions, and use polite forms、

step 5 emotionalattitude and values(2 min)


in this unit, wehave learned the difficulty of the disabled and how they face and conquer thedifficulty、 but as able-bodies people, just making some suggestions or donatingmoney is far from enough、 what else should we do?

( care aboutdetails in their life、

don’t look down upon them or laugh at them、 )

accept them as one of us,and invite them to join us in avariety of activities、)